
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

A Special Treat! Food Grower Articles Resurrected!

Over the past year or so, I've gotten several inquiries about the foodgrower series of articles that I had on my old platform before GoDaddy fucked up the site so badly I lost everything on it. 

Well, I've got some great news for you! Phil's gotten ahold of foodgrower who has sent him the material, and it's now posted over at his place.

One of the common themes of those emails I've gotten was 'Man, I knew I should've printed those articles out.' Well, now you've got a second chance.

And without further ado, the first installment after a short intro:

From Phil:
This has been no small feat.

I’m almost positive that anybody who swings by here has already swung by Kenny’s place first.

I have absolutely no problem with that.

I do myself sometimes!

Knuckle Draggin’ My Life Away has literally been one of my favorites for years and years now.

As a matter of fact, to this day Kenny’s place is the top referrer in my stats page every day almost.

Since we all know and love Kenny for his razor wit and charm, you may recall a series of anonymously written articles he published several years ago about growing food that he kept a link to at the top of his page.

Then he moved to another platform that crapped out and he moved back to Blogger but those articles disappeared.

I know who wrote them.


  1. Damn Kenny, Be careful getting that big head through the door today! High Praise but well deserved!

  2. Perfect timing and thanks Phil for all the behind the scenes work.


  3. I saved the original articles when you posted them, and I'd be happy to email them to you, to pass on.
    I just piled them into a big .docx file.

  4. Please do. I'll pass it on to Phil in case he doesn't have all of them.

  5. always looking for some bits of info to print out and save. I saved and printed out a lot of what you put out on chickens. can't have them here yet because of the fucked HOA clowns. but if it all breaks down, I getting some chickens ! my grandma used to let them run thru her garden for the most part to keep the bugs down. but kept the away from any fruit that turned red, seems like they peck at the color red for some reason (??) her garden was big too. not sure of the size but it was long and had sections in it. I would say at least a half of a acre total.
    kept 2 different root cellars too, one with a smokehouse above it and the other one had a small stream that ran thru the floor (stone with gravel in it) I was told it was that way in case of a fire, so they would not lose everything.
    grandma raised 13 kids back in the day. guess that explains the large garden.
    kind of miss those big family reunions. I think the last big one was back in the 1970's
    missed that one because I was station in west berlin at the time. it was the last one I know of though. grandma pass on in 1981 and there has not bein one since.
    I miss those. it is something we need to start back up again I think.

    1. One of the things I sincerely regret is not paying more attention to the gardens my grandparents grew their whole lives. I was late teens when they stopped, but still. Adults in the depression, so they knew their way around the cabbage patch.

      Sigh. So much practical knowledge.

  6. Look what I just found.

    Every foodgrower link listed here works.


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