
Friday, March 18, 2022

Let it go already

Things seem to be looking up as the U.S. crosses into year three of the COVID-19 pandemic. Vaccines still do a good job of keeping people alive and out of the hospital. There's increasing access to tests and treatments. The numbers of cases, hospitalizations and deaths are heading in the right direction. 

If living in a Covid world has taught us anything, however, it's that the coronavirus can surprise even the smartest public health experts, and the world certainly isn't out of the woods yet.


So the have masks have been proven to be completely worthless, the isolation destroyed businesses and lives, and the vaccines did more damage than good, yet these stupid fuckers are taking credit for the disease running its course and dying off - and people are actually believing them.


  1. "these stupid fuckers are taking credit for the disease running its course and dying off - and people are actually believing them."

    These kind of articles are written for people dumb enough to believe them: sheeple.

  2. We are constantly reminded of the increasing stupidity of the American people … not that non Americans are much brighter…. We have all been dumbed down over the past 40 years. I am very old so I missed the dumbing down, but the frustration and disappointment I feel with the state of things currently in the western world is sometimes overwhelming…

  3. " Vaccines still do a good job of keeping people alive and out of the hospital"
    Well shit, they start out with provable lies.

    1. Aye.

      Bunches of dead soccer players from heart attacks...would disagree...if'n they were alive. joe tentpeg

  4. Forgot to add:
    They are bringing back the fear porn.

    1. The 2022 election is what they are up too.

      De Oppresso Liber

  5. Vaccines still do a good job of keeping people alive and out of the hospital.

    Ooopsies,, stopped reading Right There

  6. Putin and Ukraine have pretty much kicked covid's ass. They gotta grab the limelight any way they can.

  7. Did not anyone notice the CNN logo? Even people as dumb as xiden would say, " come on man!"

  8. "You can fool all of the people some of the time, some of the people ALL of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time." They are obviously counting on enough of the second segment to keep panic alive. And the mail-in ballots, of course.

  9. In Canada 80% of hospitalizations and deaths are triple vaxxed, in the UK it is 90%. These are government figures. Here the CDC has refused to release such figures.

    1. Thank you. .gov numbers, too.
      Consistently 75% of hospitalized and 50+% of ICU are "fully vaxxed".

  10. Read this morning those who've jabbed up 3x have a 15X greater likelihood of dying from Covid.
    When is someone in officialdom going to admit this entire Covid thing is a DEPOPULATION plan?

  11. Say the line:

    Thankfully I am vaxxxed and boosted, it could have been worse.

  12. Isn't it interesting that with an election in less than eight months away the ALLMIGHTY BULLSHIT ARTIST FUCKHEAD FAUCI has crawled out of his hole and started up the we might have re-introduce covid measures all over again. Think about it if they get lockdowns going again we are going to have more voter fraud than 2020.


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