
Thursday, March 03, 2022

New Bill Would Stop Tennessee Medical Licensing Board from Punishing Doctors over COVID-19 Treatment

A new bill would, if enacted into law, prohibit a Tennessee licensing board or disciplinary subcommittee from acting against a physician’s license based solely on the physician’s recommendations to a patient regarding treatment for COVID-19. 

The bill would also prohibit a pharmacy from blocking or attempting to block a patient’s access to COVID-19 treatments in certain circumstances.


Well, my lawmaker's are right on top of things, aren't they? This shit should've been introduced and passed well over a year ago.
Actually, it shouldn't have been an issue at all, but that's another argument.


  1. The field of medicine has been largely co-opted by the same woke/corporate/globalist/leftist engineers that are ripping every other fiber of the fabric of our society. Just another piece deconstructed, like education. For those in medicine that don't want to obediently and enthusiastically participate, cancel culture gleefully awaits the opportunity to destroy them. This is why many of us de-coupled from a once noble sort of calling. Of course, this is their goal. Win the war by attrition, silence or destroy the groups that do not agree. There will be a reckoning. When you fill the educational slots and jobs with suboptimal diversity cheerleaders, well...GIGO (garbage in garbage out) the ramifications will affect everyone. State medical boards and other entities will continue to attack good people and remove them from the system. I reckon they ultimately end up with the system the deserve.~~dirtroadlivin

  2. So true. The hospital killed my Dad last month because they were following CDC Covid protocols.

  3. Come on, Kenny, the legislature had much more important things to do, like determining the fate of the Nathan Bedford Forrest bust in the Capitol, and how best to spend money on the homeless tent cities! It's for the chiiildren!
    --Tennessee Budd

  4. Classic political Kabuki theater. Come up with a "solution" long after the problem has ended. This is nothing but virtue signaling.

  5. Fucking "protocol" is still go home, quarantine until the virus takes over your body (cytokine storm) then come back and let us "heal you" with very expensive treatments that are more likely to kill you.

    The docs don't even hand out a info sheet - take extra vitamins, zinc will stop viral replication and when an ionophore is added (quercetin, Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine) zinc floods your cells stopping the cytokine storm...

    Nope, no common sense help, no proactive measures allowed - they want DEATH TOLL fear.



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