
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Pelosi doesn't drink.... shee-it...

Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) told a room full of supporters that Nancy Pelosi has a 'drinking problem' – even though the House Speaker does not drink. 

'Rules for thee but not for me I guess is Nancy Pelosi's, that's Nancy Pelosi's campaign slogan,' Cawthorn said, tearing into Pelosi – a figure who has often appeared in GOP campaign ads and fundraising pitches. The line is a favorite of House minority leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (Calif.). 

But Cawthorn went further, saying: 'I'll tell you I have to work with her every single day so please do pray for me. The theories of alcoholism are very true and it's very sad,' he said, according to video posted by Patriot Takes.


They're claiming the videos showing her slurring her speech are doctored, but that doesn't explain her bizarre behavior.


  1. She could be suffering from dementia.

  2. Ativan, Valium, and a lot of others will do the same thing.

  3. Or maybe it's just the way that the Dims fail to tell the whole story.

    I don't drink (around republicans)
    I don't drink (before noon)
    I don't drink (unless the day ends in a "Y")
    I don't drink (but, yes, I do lie)
    I don't drink (I guzzle it down)

    And so on.

    1. I dont drink anymore.

      But I don't drink any less either.

      I'll be here all week, please tip your server, thank you.

  4. Tardive Dyskenesia. Side effect of psych meds.

  5. Every last one of them subscribes to the philosophy that lying is good, is altruistic, even, if it furthers your cause.

  6. 60-80 year-olds are considered unemployable yet they are running the show.

  7. One of that hallmarks of alcoholism is denial......

    1. That is so cute I mean true damn preimtive text. I bet it helps her through her day. I so wanted to put dax.

  8. Nancy Pelosi DOESN'T drink ... water. Vodka, gin, rum? Like a fish!

  9. "I'm not as think as you drunk I am!" -- Nancy Pelosi


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