
Monday, March 21, 2022

Plans For Large New Northern California Reservoir On Track For $2.2B Federal Loan

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — A long-delayed plan to build a giant reservoir in Northern California to help withstand the U.S. West’s notorious droughts got a huge boost on Thursday when the federal government signaled its intent to loan the project nearly $2.2 billion — or about half the cost.


I wonder if they'll actually build this one.
As long as I lived in California, there was talk about building new reservoirs during the dry years, but as soon as they got a couple wet years in a row, the projects are shelved because 'we've got plenty of water now'.


  1. Enviro-nazis will stop this one, just like they've stopped every other reservoir. This site is also upstream of the (manmade) Delta, so it would impact the amount of water flowing into this "critical natural resource" and the river darter or whatever other bullshit minnow they're starving the famers for.

  2. Fun experiment--Take a glass and a dinner plate outside on a sunny day. fill each with water. Add a few ice cubes to the water glass to simulate snow pack. See which one evaporates first. Guess where you want your reservoirs. In deep "V" shaped valleys backed up by snow pack.

    Now look a Sites, CA on Google Earth. Yeah, it's a dinner plate on the west side of the Central Valley. Fucking brilliant.

    1. Wait, you actually thought this was a real project? It's kickback time in Commiefornicatia.

    2. Point taken. Like the vaunted High-speed Rail, the key words are "Federal Funds".

    3. Look into who owns the ranch under a large portion of that pond.

      Jerry Brown

  3. Great, another project for the criminal enterprise known as the California Water Resources Board to mismanage. Better watch what they're doing with the other hand while they use this as cover.

  4. ...queue the Sierra Club in cahoots with the EPA to kill the project in 3, 2, 1 ...


  5. could have had LaRouche's NAWAPA project done for that much. The whole west coast would benefit. just like the train project will funnel some of the money elsewhere.

  6. California will spend the money on something besides a reservoir...

  7. If the elected officials will profit from the reservoir then the protests will have no affect. Our local elected officials all purchased land at the site of a new lake that went in here. You can bet they made bank at our expense

  8. Formerly known as The Auburn Dam, which would definitely squelch all kinds of American River activity, on top of being bad for the environment, but might help mitigate the ravages of the mismanagement of the Folsom Dam.

    But, if we keep doing this Democrat Dictatorship thing, the feds will end up paying waaaay more'n half.

    Personally, I think it might be longterm better for life on earth AND California if more people are driven out of this state. We've so totally overdone the "be fruitful and multiply" thing.

  9. Is there a Ind...I mean, Nativ....I mean, Aboriginal Inhabitant reservation they can confiscate to drown?

  10. Here's an idea. Build some de-salinization plants. Or is that too obvious?

    1. Desalination plants take huge amounts of electricity to operate. California doesn't have enough to go around as it is.

      It only gets worse after California is entirely dependent on 'renewable, carbon neutral energy' (2045) and internal combustion engines are no longer sold in California (2035).

    2. If only we had some magic rock or something, that would provide safe, efficient, and economical electrical power and heat for decades......

  11. It'll be like the Big Dig in Boston.
    $billions over budget, late, shoddy work and you'll see story after story of contractors getting caught putting a swimming pool or driveway on their own property.

  12. Sites is supposed to be filled with "excess" water from the Sacramento River. As soon as some pettifogger finds a dead Salmon or Delta Smelt along the river the lawsuits will be flying.

  13. California: God is watching which is why your in drought for years. Your democrat agenda goes against God, Family and country. The more your state turns from God the more God will take away life sources needed. Why should the American people pay for the damn you should have built long ago at cost to the people of California.

  14. A lot of money will change hands as part of this "reservoir" but it will never get built. And that's all part of the plan. Just an an opportunity and excuse to pilfer tax dollars.


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