
Monday, March 28, 2022

Russian fast-food chain called Uncle Vanya wants to trademark logo resembling McDonald's Golden Arches

A Russian fast-food chain called Uncle Vanya has filed to trademark a logo that bears a strong resemblance to McDonald's iconic Golden Arches. 

On Saturday, Uncle Vanya made a trademark filing with the Russian government, which included a proposed logo — a stylized letter "B" with the words "Uncle Vanya" beneath it in Russian.


  1. Hell, why not just name it McDowell's (Coming to America reference) and go full thievery?

  2. McIvanov’s......sounds good.


  3. Replies
    1. From what I read a few days ago, McDonalds closed all their stores in Russia in support of Ukraine. The new Uncle Vanya's stores are just the old McDonalds and will serve the same stuff only all of it will be from Russian sourced products. This could be wrong, its just what I read and I can't remember where to reference it.

    2. Yep, and let's face it McDonald's doesn't make anything difficult to replicate.
      we put sanctions on them and now they're saying "well fuck you" and carrying on as normal, well as normal as normal is in Russia lol.

  4. If you're wondering, the letter 'B' represents a 'V' sound in Russian/Cyrillic. (They use 'Б' for the 'B' sound.)


  5. Honestly, I was forced to give up trying to accurately express how little I give a fuck about McDonalds. Like "Unknown", I'm good with that.

  6. I would say this was to be expected for doing business in a commie country.

  7. Nice try, Ivans. But it won’t be authentic unless you have a website called “”.

    (If’n you didn’t know, see where “” redirects to.)

  8. Yes it's an obvious knock off but you are hardly likely to get them mixed up.

  9. This is obvious payback for McDonald closing restaurants in Russia. I read that Russia eliminated trademark protection so even if McDonalds sued for protection that would be a lost cause. Also, hasn't McDonalds violated its franchise agreements with the owners of the restaurants, assuming they have the same business model as elsewhere. Maybe all these "woke" and virtue signaling corporations should just stick to running business and stay out of the politics. Punishing business owners, employees, contractors supplying inventory, etc. is not going to affect the outcome of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Really, how much influence do the owners/operators of the former McDonalds have over government policy? How much influence does the typical American business owner have over the idiots in Washington? I'm no fan of either McDonalds or of Russia, but this is sheer stupidity. I dislike McDonalds so much I hope they take an enormous hit in the pocketbook as in goodbye franchise fees.


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