
Thursday, March 03, 2022

Shit, our gas prices jumped that much in two days

The average U.S. price of a gallon of regular-grade gasoline spiked 10 cents over the past two weeks to $3.64 per gallon. The current average in California is $4.82 per gallon which spiked 10 cents in one week, according to AAA.


I'm not kidding. I went into town a few days ago and saw that gas jumped 3 cents, then the very next day it went up another 6 cents to $3.26 a gallon at the Walmart, the cheapest gas in town.
I haven't been into town in a couple days so there's no telling if it went up again.


  1. The problem here is you're just too deplorable to understand why this is good for you.

    1. Let Harry explain it to all you cretins. He can do it in just 12 seconds.

  2. Down here in south Texas, a 35 cent difference since Sunday. That is some weapons grade bullshit right there. And not convinced at all it will stop any time soon.

  3. Our gas station went up over night from $3.44 to $3.84 in South west Alabama

  4. For every .50 rise in gas prices, I raise my labor rate $10.00.

    I'm not getting behind this time.....

  5. In order to "Build Back Better" you have to tear it down first. /sarc

  6. Wouldn’t mind seeing the national average here. Paying over $4 a gallon again. I figured out I have to work half a day a week just to be able to commute for that week.

  7. My Diesel is hitting $4 a gallon. FJB!

  8. $4.39 last night in Frederick MD for 93. I'm really loving 70mpg, even though it's a bit chilly this time of year.

  9. An hour ago paid 3.69 here in SE mass.


  10. I paid $3.65 for Mobil Regular this AM here in central New England. I only needed about a third of tank, but I'm staying gassed in case I have to bail.

    Local prices range from $3.43 for some no name brand to $4.05 at the local Gulf sta.


  11. ...and then there's Pete Buttplug "We Don’t Want ‘Permanent Solutions’ to the Energy Crisis" when asked if Buydem's team is going resurrect Keystone.


  12. In Chattanooga TN I saw $3.79 today.

  13. Monday gas was $3.19, today it's $3.69 Kent OH Diesel is $4.19

  14. Costco was 3.25 yesterday morning. I saw it as high as 3.85 this afternoon. Traverse City, Michigan. They always screw us up here because of the tourists.

  15. It's 6.50 in BC. FUCK TURDOO, and his band of commie scum!

    Chutes Magoo

  16. Cheap as. You're lucky!
    Living just outside a city down here in Australia, the price for 95 grade (mid grade) petrol jumped a week ago to $2.25/litre. That's $9.90/gallon.
    Converting to USD that's about $7.30/gallon.
    You'll be paying that too soon enough by the looks of it.
    Fortunately the REX gets 7l/100km so pretty economical. You can convert it to obsolete imperial mpg 😊
    Food prices to go up 20-30% in 2022 according to agri sources, KPMG etc and that was before the Ukraine "invasion".
    Better be self sufficient and debt free asap.

  17. Two weeks ago at the cheap station in Auburn,CA where I gas up on my way down the hill, reg was 4.65 since Christmas. This morning, 4.99 !! We're all fucked.

  18. 3.92 at 6:30 AM, 4.19 at 7:00 PM here, today. Nevermind Brandon, FUCK THE PANTS SHITTER GROPEY JOE.

  19. $4.77 earlier in the week when I topped off the truck, 5.04 today when I did the same thing. Not bad when compared to the stations I saw yesterday that were already at 5.49. What a clusterfuck!

  20. Remember the mid 70s when you had to buy gas based on the last number on your license plate which means twice a week. And gas went from 56 cents to a dollar something. Once gas reaches a solid 3.50 it will never go down and will be that way until the next bs crisis. FJB

  21. I traveled to Louisville, KY last weekend for the "National Gun Day" show and the huge militaria "Show of Shows" I left north Alabama I saw gas for$3.49 I filled up at Elizabethtown, KY for $2.97. Coming home I Thought I better a little "just in case". I pulled into a station about a mile off the interstate near Spring Hill, KY and found it to be $3.84! It was all like that at that exit.

  22. Here in our corner of the Show Me State it went from $3.17 to $3.37 overnight two days ago. There is a local Git 'n Split just up the road from me that still had $3.09 on regular and $3.00 on off road diesel. I hustled around this morning and filled the farm transfer tanks, 50 gal. of each. Look into Pri "G" and Pri "D" for a long storage option for fuel.


  23. Diesel in N VA went up 70 f’ing cents overnight. FU Biden!

  24. Northern Indiana, 87 octane Wednesday $3.52, Friday $3.99
    Diesel Wednesday $4.09, Friday $4.79


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