
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

States move to roll back firearm permits over police objections

(The Hill) — Legislators in half a dozen states are considering measures to roll back requirements that gun owners obtain permits and training before carrying concealed weapons, as Republican politicians race to show their support for gun rights ahead of primary and midterm elections this year. 

 But as the bills progress through state House and Senate chambers, they are running into new and increasingly vocal opposition from an unexpected source: Law enforcement organizations who say allowing more people to carry weapons would add to an already-troubling spike in gun crimes.


  1. the slimy little governor of Ohio signed permitless carry yesterday, amazingly, he is up for reelection this year.
    He could stand on the corner and hand out free guns and it would still not overcome his actions during the scamdemic.

    1. Dewine is a power hungry totalitarian cock sucker.

    2. And Kay Ivey signed her Constitutional Carry Bill in Alabama.
      Bama was the 22nd state to get it right and Ohio makes #23!


    3. But not before the carrying masses of Ohio puked up $60 for their CCW. I looked on in sickened disbelief every month at the full church parking lot on CCW day for the last three years.
      Ohio Guy

  2. That's because 90% of cops are, as David Codrea correctly labels them, "The Only Ones..."

    That 90% figure comes from the 90-7-3 Rule that applies to law enforcement and firearms. It goes like this:

    * 90% of LEO have one firearm, their duty weapon, which they begrudgingly qualify with once a year. They do not hunt, target shoot, plink, or compete off duty. In the event of a justified shooting, they will empty their magazine towards the perp and MAYBE hit them. IMHO, there should be no more than one or two shots fired, and unless the bad guy is wearing body armor, should result in a fatality every time. The fact that the ground is littered with empty brass from multiple LEO firearms to take out one guy tells you everything you need to know.

    * 7% of LEO do own and use firearms outside of their normal duties. They will hunt, target shoot, plink and maybe even compete at a lower level by shooting clays, silhouette, bullseye, or at a turkey shoot. They might load their own ammo.

    * 3% of LEO are truly firearms experts. They most likely grew up with firearms and served in the military. On the job they are instructors for other LEO and may be members of tactical teams. Not only do they participate in all types of recreation with firearms, they probably compete at a high level shooting like 3-Gun, Military, IPSC and IPDA. They are NRA safety instructors, Range Safety Officers, and belong to the local sportsman's club, teaching the civilian population firearms safety. They may even be advanced hand loaders, gunsmiths, and hold an FFL.

    1. G.D.
      I think that this is still a very close description of the truth of police and their actual relationship with guns. The only thing that could possibly skew this is a large influx of military personnel, as on a normal 4 year hitch, an infantry person would be deployed at least once, during the last 4 years. And they would likely have gone to Iraq or Afghanistan, where they would have been very much expected to carry a firearm, or possibly 2, constantly. In fact even if they were not infantry, they probably could have deployed to those places, as support persons, and would have been required to at the very least been, shall we say, familiar with firearms, in case of the need to help defend their position.
      However, the desire for most military retired to join the police once separated from their former service, is probably not that strong.

    2. You want more accuracy?? Effective immediately, ALL LEOs will ONLY carry a revolver with 2 speed-loaders.....

    3. If there's a threat, and you are trying to stop it, you keep firing until it stops or changes shape. Vertical to horizontal is a shape change.
      You're welcome to your fantasies of being a mall-ninja gunslinger, capable of guaranteeing kills with only two bullets, every single time. Those of us living in the real world know that there's no such thing as overkill, particularly when your life, or your loved ones lives, are on the line.
      That said, most police and law enforcement officers can suck-start a shotgun as far as I'm concerned. I know some good ones, but they're the absolute fucking exception, not the rule. I remember, as a kid, feeling safer when I saw a police officer. Hell, I wrote an essay when I was 8 about how police officers help secure our freedoms! These days? Unless I know the cop, I consider them a potential threat/danger to be aware of, and I certainly don't feel safer. They don't even have to be trying to threaten or injure me...they have no perception of what might be beyond the guy they're shooting towards, so I just have to be standing in the wrong place.

  3. The LEO orgs are full of sh*t. The number of people who generate crime after having gone through the trouble of getting a carry permit has historically been infinitesimal. The people who commit crimes obviously aren't particularly law-abiding, and so were likely to be carrying regardless of requiring a permit or not. In fact, since many of these people would already have a felony conviction on their record, they were already prohibited from having a firearm, let alone carrying one.

    This just means that law enforcement will no longer be able to use the pretense of carrying a firearm as a rationale for detaining or arresting people. Arguably it never should have been, since the existence of a carry permit system means that just the carrying of a firearm is not an inherently unlawful act and never should have been a basis for a stop.

    They can continue to arrest people with a record that would theoretically have prevented them from legally possessing a firearm. And if they were in the act of using the firearm illegally, they obviously were subject to arrest already. And if they were arrested in the act of doing some other illegal activity, they can still be charged for illegal possession.

    There is NO logical reason for law enforcemnt to take an anti-citizen approach on this issue. That they do is merely a sign that they don't respect our laws, and rather just want to exert power and control.

    1. Easy, change their rules. 1) they have to drive their own car to work. 2) they have to leave their service weapon in a locker at work.

  4. "But as the bills progress through state House and Senate chambers, they are running into new and increasingly vocal opposition from an unexpected source..."

    My ass. Every time there is any hearing on relaxed gun control legislation, there's a Public Servant (in uniform) railing against it. Most recently, it was the Alabama Sheriff's Association wailing about the lost revenue that Constitutional Carry would "cost" them.

  5. Has the wailing and gnashing of teeth ever been proven correct? Seems like there's one incident a few years later of a questionable shooting by a permit holder or such that ever gets pointed to.

  6. An armed society is a POLITE society, plain and simple.


  7. Statistically, the average CHL holder is more law-abiding than the average police officer.

  8. AND THE COPS ARE....HOW LONG AWAY! To these people I say FYVM!

      Fuck, man... that shit gets real old real quick.

    2. Willford, did you know that typing in "CAPS" makes you look like an idiot?

      Just trying to help.....

  9. Their real objection: allowing constitutional carry will void their balance of power that now allows them the latitude for their crummy behavior, especially as they confront law abiding citizens who think critically, not reactively during interactions. They will either have to shoot everybody now or quit shooting as their primary default. Do we need police.. of course. Do we need the ones we have is the question.

  10. IIRC, Indiana has a bill on the governor's desk right now for this. He has a total of 7 days to sign or not sign. If he doesn't sign, it automatically passes and becomes law. Governor Holcomb has been, IMO, VERY VERY quiet about what he intends to do with the bill.

    Blue Tile Spook

  11. The police chief in Mobile, Alabama, is not too bothered by the new permitless
    Carry. Said the ones doing the fun crimes are not likely to be applying for a carry permit anyway. Smart cop.

  12. An armed citizenry makes it tougher for cops to skim from their otherwise protected prostitution, drug and theft rings, so I'm not surprised they would be opposed to this.

  13. The police are not on "our" side......

  14. Sorry to say, more and more LEO is NOT your friend. Increasingly they are the arm of gommermints of all stripes, doing their bidding towards ultimate control the populace. Increasingly we as citizens are losing every right we have and soon will only have and be able to do what the Gommers ALLOW you to do. And you will have to beg for that permission. Do you want to live like that? Not me.

  15. Oh no! Can't have every citizen be allowed to carry a firearm without a permit. There'll be blood in the streets said every police chief, State Police Commander and some sheriffs organizations every time one of these bills is brought before a state legislature.

    That tells you a lot.


  16. Am I the only one here who is 100% in favor of mandatory firearms training?
    I think it should be part of every school curriculum and a requirement to pass.
    I've been handling weapons for as long as I can remember. I can remember going to the local dump at night with my brothers and cousins, guys sixteen years or more older than me, easing slowly close to the trash heap, lights off, standing in the back of the truck. They laid a board across so I could see over the cab. Then turn on the lights and open fire!
    My brothers say the first few times I was more interested catching the empties coming out of their rifles.
    I remember that my second brother had a Remington 552 speedmaster.
    Not all kids get firearms experience that begins during potty training. We as a nation need it. Put tyrants on notice, we are armed and ready to defend our way of life.

    1. Training is great. Mandatory training, not so much. Who is doing the mandating? You know who. That means they get to make the rules about who "passes" the training. Like having kids - parent licensing or mandatory parenting classes sounds great, but who is doing the licensing or teaching? The local Aunt Teefa schoolteacher with pink hair, a nose ring, and a desire to have the taxpayer fund their upcoming "transition"? I think less government is better than more government, thanks very much.

  17. Despite no evidence whatsoever in the states where it is legal...
    There has been no increase in crime in theses states.

  18. Without question the carry folks are far better at shooting/kills than popo. Fact: guns are used by civilians 1 million times+ a year for self defense.

    25.3 Million Americans (31% of gun owners) have used a gun in self defense. In nearly 82% of these cases, the gun was never fired.

    According to the National Research Council study done during Obama’s presidency, guns are used for self defense between: 500,000 – 3 Million Times Every Year
    (1,369 – 8,219 Times Every Day)

    Because many cases of self defense are not reported to the police, the real number may be on the higher end.



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