
Sunday, March 13, 2022

Sunday Video 1



  1. Made me think of this
    Ima stop reading for a bit. Too hard to see.

  2. My home every day in reverse. Girl Lab, Maggie Mae just turned three and young fella, Bear da Kat just turned six months. They are buds. I sit and watch them play and it makes me chuckle. Sometime Maggie Mae is asleep and I have a double take. There she is snoring and I see Bears head sticking out from under her tail or somewhere all curled up and nearly out of sight. If we take Maggie Mae for a ride when we return Bear is asleep in Maggie Maes corner. Otherwise he never lays in her corner at least alone. He has his own favorite alone spot.

  3. That's like my house times five on the dogs and ten on the kitties.
    Ohio Guy

  4. Cats and dogs ... sleeping together ...

  5. I watched our cat once get chased home over the fence into the back yard by another cat, our cat ran & hid behind the lab the other cat left in a hurry. It was funny!


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