
Thursday, March 31, 2022

The FBI’s ‘FAFO’ Kidnapping Plot Unravels

In the spring of 2020, or so the government’s story goes, an Iraq War veteran named Dan Chappel was scouring social media to find like-minded libertarians devoted to the Second Amendment when algorithms prompted him to a Facebook group called the Wolverine Watchmen, an online “militia group” formed just a few months earlier.

Chappel reportedly became alarmed at violent “anti-law enforcement” rhetoric posted by some members of the Watchmen, so he notified police. Two weeks later, Chappel, under the code name “Big Dan,” became the lead FBI informant in a wild plot to “kidnap” Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, an act of domestic terror according to the Justice Department. 


  1. Similar op to a struggle session. Make it really tough to build trust and relationships so the people can't resist tyranny.

  2. Similar op to struggle sessions. Make it tough to trust and build relationships and it will be harder to resist tyranny.

  3. This corruption at the Federal government level is nothing new, although current "journalists" would have you believe otherwise.

    I'm currently reading "Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and Their War on the Swamp" by Larry Schweikart. It details the fights with the swamp by Lincoln, Cleveland, T. Roosevelt, JFK, Reagan and Trump. From what I've read so far, this book is barely scratching the surface of the malfeasance in our federal government, almost since the moment of its inception.

    Eye opening to say the least.

    Anyone interested in reading it should be able to get it through your local library, if you don't have the means to purchase your own copy. My local library; I think this applies to most library's around the country, will buy a book for any library card holder that is interested in reading a title. It's newly in print, so should be easy to obtain.


    1. Fights? That bastard Lincoln WAS the swamp. He's the one who changed us from a republic to an empire, and I hope the bastard's not enjoying himself at all in hell.
      --Tennessee Budd

    2. I'm with you Tennessee Budd, Lincoln was a POS in every way. He is the creator of the out of control federal government and it's stomping on state's rights

  4. Of course, seeing just what bumbling fools the fbi have been since 2015 leads me to believe that when the time comes we won't have to hard a time at all dealing with them.

  5. The FBI, or other alphabet organizations, if they can’t find a problem, will make one.

    L. Jenkins

  6. There's a rabbit hole I care not to go down.
    Ohio Guy

  7. The article doesn't bother to mention what cull losers the three principal FBI agents involved in the case were. They were all three clowns that had no business being in law enforcement at any level, let alone the FBI.

  8. Look up Whitey Bulger.

  9. Words to live by;
    3 can keep a secret if 2 are dead


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