
Friday, March 11, 2022

Trucker on Fuel Prices: 'What Are Y’all Gonna Do Next Month When Your Gallon of Milk Costs $11?'

A long-haul trucker took to TikTok this week to explain fuel prices in terms every American can understand: “What are y’all gonna do next month when your gallon of milk costs $11?”

Spend a lot more money on milk.

Everything else, too.

Here’s the video, including a little NSFW (but very appropriate) language:


  1. With milk, you get a triple whammy on fuel pricing. One from the diary farmer, cause cow shit don't clean itself out of the barn, one from the farm to the creamery/bottling plant and another from the creamery/bottling plant to the store.

    When I was a kid, there was a dairy farm about half a mile from where I lived. The dairy farmer used to distribute his milk himself in glass bottles. A self contained operation from milking to pasteurizing and bottling. You could tell when spring had arrived because the milk tasted different when the cows were on grass instead of hay and silage.


  2. sad part prices will never go down near to what they were. Paying double digit coins for gas prior to '74 then came the gas lines and buying gas according to the last digit on your plate. Gas never seen below a dollar again.

  3. Gas was $.79 a gallon in the late 90s

  4. I sure hope this doesn't affect illicit opiate prices.
    Ohio Guy


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