
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Two years too late there, partner

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has proposed a new bill which, if passed, would eliminate the position currently occupied by Dr. Anthony Fauci as head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). 

"No one person should have unilateral authority to make decisions for millions of Americans," said Paul on Monday.


  1. He's been in the swamp too long.

    Keep it simple Rand...

    ...Defund NIH...and CDC.

    joe tentpeg

    1. And ATF, FBI, EPA, FCC, much of FAA, ED, DHS, for starters.

    2. Rick, you forgot IRS, Dept. of Education, DOEnergy. Oops! You did say ED, so my bad. You missed the others, though.

  2. I agree. Also why have they not stopped the Hospitals and the Health Plans getting Federal Money for any case reported as COVID and forced the all medical reports open to show what is the true numbers.

  3. Most of our "elected officials" are all mouth and gutwind.....

  4. And by doing so Rand Paul gives Fauci new life

  5. Yeh, like THAT'S ever going to pass the House. Grandstanding. Why is that Republicans file bills that they know are never going to pass, while caving to Demonrats at every turn, even when Republicans have the majority?

    I like Rand. He speaks his mind and says things that should be said. He doesn't and won't have the support of his party while Bitch McConnell is the leader of the party in the Senate and Bitch has four 4.5 years on his term. The guy is ALREADY 80 years old. He should have retired in 2020. Gotta keep that Chinese bribe money flowing through his Chinese spy wife.


  6. The bill breaks up the NIH into 3 different sects/cults and has an officer for EACH department. So we go from one guy with a salary to THREE guys with salaries along with all the government bennies!!!!
    Rand Paul is da bomb! Or did he just bomb on this topic?



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