
Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Why do scientists believe ‘tornado alley’ is shifting?

Gensini studies the path of tornadoes at Northern Illinois University. He says there’s evidence that shows a shift in where tornadoes are happening. 

“You’re seeing a lot more in Nashville and Tupelo, [Mississippi],” said Gensini. 

In other words, there’s a shift from “tornado alley” into the southeastern part of the U.S. Gensini also says population growth will most likely contribute to more disasters.


  1. Maybe it's just part of a very long-period natural cycle? Or maybe it's in response to global cooling at the start of a new ice age? Bottom line; we don't have enough data to say definitively what is happening. But we probably can't do anything about it, so plan accordingly.

  2. Ice caps didn't melt do they gotta find something else scary

  3. More trailer parks being built out that way?


  4. If they had advanced radars over the last 100 years, they would probably find no real difference, except cell phone cameras, hysterical weather readers, and more people.

  5. Why do scientists believe that?

    Because it shows WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!! and that's the only way to get on tv anymore.
    Plus, the global warmmongering community is pretty well packed, they need to find new stuff to get that sweet, sweet grant money.
    Nobody's getting money to study the Ice-Free North Pole! anymore as their ships keep getting stuck in the ice.

  6. Out of the California Liberal frying pan and into the Tennessee tornado fire. Ken?

  7. I used to live in Starkville in the 1980's, and I don't think increasing the number of tornados is really possible. I've seen ten-mile long 100 yard wide tornado paths of destruction, so I have a hard time believing them.

  8. It's a load of crap, the spring weather pattern always starts in the southeast and as the western and northwestern states start to see a warming trend with more southerly flow the tornado alley everyone's used to will start to wake up and the closer the summer it gets it will shift to the central northern states and east into iowa ,ohio area before fall arrives again and it backtracks back to the south, happens every year just seems that this year winter is taking it's sweet time going away for the central u.s.

  9. Trees. Homestead act required planting 100 trees and maintaining for 100 years. Then all of the trees were plowed down by growers to get more crops. Next dustbowl incoming.

  10. There is no shift. DIXIE ALLEY has always been there.



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