
Wednesday, April 20, 2022

17 Gangs Behind L.A.’s String of 200-Plus ‘Follow-Home’ Robberies

I have been reporting on dramatic “smash and grab” robberies throughout California these past several months. The criminals targeted high-end boutiques, including a jewelry store where they stole $5 million worth of items. 

I have also noted that “crime tourism” has become a hot trend in California, as South American gangs come north. 

You can now add another fun, new description to the ever-expanding list of criminal activities in the Golden State: Follow home robberies.


  1. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people. They deserve it and much more which I'm sure is on it's way. I predict kidnappings for the big money. When it happens who dey gonna call...the police? LOL

  2. Good! Such a glorious thing to see people reaping what they have sown!

  3. Michael in nowherelandApril 20, 2022 at 12:56 PM

    Nothing that setting up one of these gangs in an ambush wouldn't solve...

  4. This is very easy to solve. Have a rabbit flash some cash/bling/whatever, then let them follow you into a prepared kill zone.

  5. Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum, I smell Jungle Bunnies.

  6. well, the only way I see this stopping is if the victims start killing off the bad guys.
    shotguns are really good for that, say get a small group of fed up people and bait a few into a kill box style of ambush. just saying, of course. but if enough bad guys end up with toe tags on them, the other bad guys might just stop doing it, for a while anyway

    1. Crew served weapons, like heavy machine guns, mortars and auto grenade launchers, are much easier for disabled and old people to use.

    2. If dropping a few stops others from their nefarious activities that is a good thing, but it is only a possibility. One thing is for damn certain: those sporting toe tags sure as hell won't be doing it anymore.

  7. The barbarians are inside the gates.

  8. '“crime tourism” has become a hot trend in California, as South American gangs come north.'

    Hmm, I wonder how they're getting into the country. It's almost like someone's intentionally not enforcing any rules on the southern border so that an entire invasion force can just come on in and literally destroy an entire nation.

    If you have enough money and stuff to attract the attention of people like this, and you haven't gotten out of California by now even with all of those means, you better not whine too much when these animals show up at your home because it's at least partly your fault for being such an idiot.

    It would be amusing to see this happen to their little dictator wannabe governor, or someone close to him.

  9. ...and we haven't even collapsed yet.


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