
Friday, April 08, 2022

A California Love Story

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — When Tiffany Woods met Bridgette, she was at a crossroads. 

It was February 1987 and Tiffany was 23. She'd got married two years previously. Now her marriage was on the rocks and divorce seemed imminent. Tiffany was training to become a police officer, but her heart wasn't in it.

Tiffany, who is trans, had also yet to come out. For much of her life up to that point, she had tried to quash her identity.


It never ceases to amaze me how hard the MSM is trying to normalize this shit.


  1. Heartwarming tale. A man with an assumed female name and a ponytail meets a 18 year old at a bus station. They fuck get married and have three kids together.

    Did I miss anything?

    1. Nope. That pretty much sums it up. Oh....and they lived happily ever after....

  2. Channel 3 KCRA sucks, big time.
    State run media. Pravda on the American River.

  3. I truly could care less what people do with each other in private, but don't put on a show to incite straight people, OR try and peddle this shit to kids. Disney should be on all parent's shit list, and the next time I see one of those "mouse family" stickers on a car, I'll be giving them some strongly-worded advise.

    1. Do you realize your professed magnanimity - 'I don't care what people do privately' - gives license for them to continue what their doing? Have you not figured out that what they are doing is what we're seeing?
      How can you say its no concern of yours (in private) and also rail against what they do publicly?

      There is not a change once they step outside thw threshhold. What they do puts us all in danger and works toward the destruction of society, which is another way of saying the destruction of our country.

  4. They love shoving the intolerable in our faces.

  5. Blackrock and Vanguard own the msm...who runs blackrock and vanguard in the background?

    Chutes Magoo

    1. Your grandmother, via her IRA portfolio. The reason you see Vanguard and BR ownership everywhere is because they manage huge amounts of investment account $'s. They have to put it someplace. It's not a conspiracy.

    2. You Sit, are an idiot, and know nothing of finance, most certainly investment finance.
      Accountbowners direct where yheir retirement money goes, the investment house doesn't get to play around with it however they want... what a rube!

  6. I tried to read it and make some sense of it but I got too confused - which one had the dick?

  7. I am so confused too but I think neither one had a dick?

    1. Neither did, they pull them off the dumb ones.

  8. TL;DR. I don't read propaganda. I gave up fairy tails when I was a toddler. I learned to avoid stinking piles of bullshit somewhat later, but it did not take long.

  9. Sigh.... so OK, because I haven't watched CNN for decades now, I didn't even know that CNN had a Travel Section, but it makes a sort of weird sense that they would. I mean, why miss ANY opportunity to push their leftist agenda, right? So I suppose CNN has a Children's Section? ....and a Love Advice section too?


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