
Friday, April 08, 2022

Biden cites economic gains, but voters see much more to do

WASHINGTON — Seven months before he faces a critical test from voters in the midterm elections, President Joe Biden is turning his focus to kitchen-table issues as he struggles to get credit for a recovering economy. 

Since Biden took office last year, job growth has been vigorous and steady — as he told the country Friday after the March jobs report showed the addition of 431,000 jobs and the unemployment rate falling to a low 3.6%. But those same remarks were also tempered by his recognition that food and gas prices are too high and inflation is at its worst level in a generation.


This motherfucker's trying to take credit for "adding" 431,000 Jobs? The ones that were lost because he locked the country down over a bullshit virus?


  1. Has anyone counted how many million+ jobs were lost over his lockdown, the cancellation of the oil pipeline, the banning of fracking, and the inflation caused by his reckless printing of money? I think his "jobs" would be lost in the noise, if one were graphed against the other.

    1. The lockdowns were at the state level,and initiated in Mar 2020 while Trump was prez. For the love of God get your facts straight. It's hard to argue what's really his fault if you keep throwing in stuff that he didn't start. The Dems love to use that as a straw man to invalidate your entire argument.

  2. Unemployment figure of 3.6 percent??

    I call bullshit.

    1. "The U.S. unemployment rate, which is based on a monthly survey carried out by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, asks a series of questions to divide up the adult population into employed, unemployed, or not in the labor force. To be classified as unemployed, a person must be without a job, currently available to work, and actively looking for work in the previous four weeks. Thus, a person who does not have a job but who is not currently available to work or has not actively looked for work in the last four weeks is counted as out of the labor force."

      In other words, the Government statistic being cited is a boiled number.

  3. Just like I thought, the socialist's game plan is to return everything to normal, at least pretend to.

    See, they only get 18 months to enact their destruction of America and the evil whyte debils. Then comes six months of campaigning with a media blitz. Whatwith the short memories of the typical voter plus voter fraud we'll get the same crap except deeper. The cycle continues until everyone wears the socialist garb or they're dead. No matter, the socialists get what they want. And at that point the gloves come off as they send hit squads to round up the miscreants to be shot in batches.

  4. Typical Demonrat logic: Create a crisis, blame the crisis on everyone and everything else, come up with a "solution" and declare any improvement - no matter how small - as complete victory over said crisis.

    After being pushed off a 10,000 cliff, scratching and clawing back up 100 feet is no real victory.

  5. Pay Biden no mind.

    He doesn't have one.

  6. What this Biden dude is doing is wrecking the country so Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and Bill Gates can swoop up, buy everything up for pennies, and lease you back the shit you once owned. Biden and his family are like a bunch of gypsies who learned how to cheat, lie, and steal their way to the top. They are traitors and should be treated with disrespect at a minimum and a lifetime in jail if the truth ever comes out. The media outlets and former intelligence officers who lied about the laptop from hell being Russian dis-info should be strung up too. Lying to the American citizenry should be a capital offense.


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