
Friday, April 08, 2022

California may allow citizens to sue over illegal firearms

Stung by a deadly mass shooting Sunday mere blocks from the state Capitol, California lawmakers on Tuesday advanced an innovative new approach to gun control that would empower private citizens to sue those who traffic in illegal weapons. 

California already has some of the nation’s strictest firearms rules, but it has yet to find a way to deter those willing to skirt the laws with stolen or homemade and increasingly prevalent “ghost” guns.


Guns and parts that are illegal to Californians, but completely legal and unrestricted in most parts of the country.


  1. Fucking Commiefornia. Glad I left that shithole 22 years ago.

    1. I left 17 years ago and have never regretted leaving

  2. Has Kalifornia started registering their criminals yet?
    OK. Gotit.
    They're registered as democrats.

  3. Okay, so will the CA courts allow for Ovomit, Eric Holder, others involved in F&F to be sued?

    From the article, the act of distributing seems to be the key. So one who makes a non-serialized firearm for their personal use is not targeted here.

  4. My wish is they ban every type of firearm no matter what. If you are not a State, County or Local LAW ENFORCMENT agent you may not have a firearm. No security guards or armed escorts for the rich and privileged, you must all be on the same playing field with the peasants. Lets see how that goes over!

    1. I believe that's what the libs really want. The rich and privileged will get their protection from a state, county or local LEO (like they do in a lot of cases already).

  5. So we can sue government employees?

  6. Chicago's Lori Lightfoot is suggesting the same thing.

    It won't help, particularly when her own prosecutor won't prosecute.

    And the Morlocks take over the world...

  7. I am going to sue whomever made my fork, spoon, and butter knife for making me fat. Awesome.

  8. Ah yes, yet another try at vicarious liability.


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