
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

And you thought you had a shitty day

A California woman plunged head-first into a filthy vault toilet at a national forest after dropping her phone in, then falling as she tried to retrieve it.

The unidentified woman lost her handset while visiting Mount Walker in Washington Tuesday during a trip to the Olympic National Forest.

She then decided to fashion a makeshift harness out of a dog leash to try lowering herself into the toilet, only for it to collapse under her weight - and send her flying head-first into the hole filled with human waste. 


  1. I think it's safe to say that the only thing less intelligent than "a Florida man" is "a California woman".

  2. But did she get her phone?

    1. But did you read the article?

    2. Talk about a great phone, not only did it work after falling into a ton of human waste it also worked well enough to be able to call 911 from the bowels of an outhouse!

    3. Yes, I was being facetious. I read about this on the 19th, when it happened.

    4. "But did she get her phone?" was good sarcasm about today's messed up priorities. (Different anonymous and I did read the article).

  3. Those are firefighters?

    Muffin top doesn’t cover it.

    Get on a stair master boys.


    1. Probably volunteer fire fighters. I agree though, for their own sake. They're just on standby for heart attacks

  4. Dear LORD!!

    They had vault toilets at every campground in West Virginia. Lived up there a few years, camped all over the state. I had an incredible fear of dropping my car keys in there for some reason. So much so, before every trip to the toilet I would stop, empty all my pockets, make sure there was nothing on me that could fall off, and then double check again to make sure my keys were safe.

  5. Critical Thinking leads us to the fact that we live in a world of Smart Phones & Stupid people.

  6. About 30 years ago, park rangers discovered a guy who purposely lowered himself into one of those toilets with the purpose of photographing the lower parts of various occupants of the seat. He dressed himself in a raincoat ,which I'd imagine offered minimal protection. This occurred in California's, Montana de Oro state park, believe it or not.

  7. The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology published an article about a guy who was found dead inside one of those toilets. Seems he had a shit fetish [for other people's shit] and had lowered himself into one to play with his sex toys (found with his corpse). He couldn't get out and was trapped. Being that it was a remote location, he died in there. AJFMP used to have all sorts of articles about autoerotic asphyxiation gone wrong, etc. Might still do. I just don't read the journal any more.

  8. Stopped at an outhouse because my buddy needed to use it.
    After a bit he comes out and asks if I have a twenty dollar bill.
    I give him one and he turns around and throws it in the hole.
    I yelled 'What did you do that for?'
    He said 'I dropped a quarter down there and I wanted to make it worth my while to get it.'

  9. One last out house story. A friend of mine got bit by a black widow on the end of his penis while sitting in one. Apparently they're common there due to the plethora of bugs and the darkness. He said the pain was beyond excruciating.


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