
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Leave them alone, they're just trying to make a dishonest living

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. (WSMV) - Police are urging Murfreesboro residents not to confront car burglars after a homeowner exchanged gunfire with a suspect this weekend. 

The shooting was reported in the 4900 block of Neyland Way around 4:10 a.m. on Sunday. According to police, an unidentified homeowner received a notification from his security cameras. The footage showed two men attempting to break into his cars.


  1. Note to homeowner: Range time. Range time. More ammo.

  2. I would never confront a burglar , but I would put a round or two in his direction and I never miss .

  3. They can urge those Tennessee folk to restrain themselves all they want but knowing my kin down there I wouldn't put my money on it . They'll cut up most anything for bait , heh .

  4. So call the police, who will show up an hour later because it's not considered an emergency, to do a report. Maybe if you're lucky your vehicle will be found days later stripped and burned....Fuck that bullshit, it's mine, I worked to get it and I'm not sitting around while some trash steals it.

    1. Shooting in defense of property is illegal, but I disagree. It took a considerable amount of my time to earn the money to buy what you are stealing. By stealing it, you are illegally confiscating part of my life. I should be able to defend that. But that's just me...

  5. This in contrast to the FL sheriff urging homeowners to shoot perps and save the state money on incarceration.


  6. Continue to fire until the thieves are DEAD.

  7. No description of the perps........ And so we know.

  8. Didn't I see an actual GARAGE right next to the vehicle? Why not use it, lady?


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