
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Can “Pro-Gun” Democrats Be Trusted?

U.S.A. –-( From time to time, the topic comes up in which we are tasked with deciding if a Democrat deserves our vote based primarily on their support of the 2nd Amendment. I was in a discussion about this topic and realized that there’s a major problem with this. Often, we hear Democrats announce that they are “gun-owners” and/or “hunters” prior to some sort of anti-gun statement. I have my doubts as to whether their “gun ownership” amounts to much more than a dusty old war rifle that grandpa left in the attic and their implication to be “one of us” is often a tactic used to gain some sort of “authority” in a gun-control debate, but let’s look at this from a practical perspective. If I were to support a Democrat who claims to be “pro-gun,” (whether that be a Senator, Representative or even the President,) what other policies am I inadvertently supporting, and how high on the hierarchical scale of values are gun rights for this person? 


  1. Michael in nowherelandApril 26, 2022 at 1:27 PM

    No they can't, neither can many Republicans

    1. Exactly right. Like DJT supporting red flag laws. He didn't see any problem with someone having to prove his innocence after having his guns confiscated on the word of another individual. I can't think of anything so profoundly unconstitutional.

  2. (Old Tech) No. Democrats, Liberals, Commies, Socialists are all the same dictator/pedo types and should never be trusted. They still don't have the decency to cease voting after they die, so why trust them when they are alive?

  3. Stupid question.

  4. Short answer, No!.
    Long answer, hell fucking no! Are you out of your mind?

  5. All my response covered above.

  6. A democrat of course CAN BE in favor of the second amendment, but, being a democrat does not give him the brains to do or say anything that Die Partei does not allow him to do or say. Befehl ist Befehl.

    1. Key word... 'but'.

      "I support the Second Amendment, but...".

    2. Elmo, I refer to these people as "Second Amendment butt-monkeys."

    3. And plenty of them are Republicans.

  7. Who would write an article contemplating such an idiotic, moronic question? This drivel is reminescent of a writer facing a deadline but they are out of ideas.

  8. Would I trust Bubba Clinton with my teenage daughter?

  9. NO Democrats can be trusted...ever. Today, anyone still affiliated with the Demwit Party is showing truly wretched judgment.

  10. Any headline that is in the form of a question (Can democrats be ...?, Should laws be passed to ...? etc.) the answer is always no.

    It is a sure fire way of avoiding reading the article.

    Phil B

  11. Demonrats can't be trusted to do anything they say unless it's raising taxes, spending us into oblivion or not defending the southern border, among other things. That goes double for RINO's.


  12. Don't ever let yourself think Mitch McConnell is pro gun. Check and see how many gun friendly laws the House has passed and sent to Senate and he never let them ever be heard of again

    1. Mitch McConnell, Senate Uniparty Leader.

  13. "I'm a gun owner myself, but-" means "I'm lying, but this way I can say I didn't. I want to violate the hell out of the 2nd."

  14. Noooooooooooooooooo

  15. No politician can be trusted with anything.

  16. no, because more democrats means they have a majority, and that means they pick the committee chairs, and the speaker, and everyone else in charge, which means pro-gun stuff will never see the light of day.

    the pro-gun dem can be pro-gun all day long but if there is nothing pro-gun for them to vote pro-gun are they, really?

    of course, republicans aren't much better. when was the last time someone tried to repeal GCA68 or GCA34? even when they had a majority AND the white house?

  17. Absolutely not. "Pro-gun" Democrats routinely vote with the party caucus in support of every restriction on firearms and firearms ownership. There is no trusting a man who reads "shall not be infringed" and doesn't agree that it means exactly what it says.

  18. No. Not ever.
    If you like your guns you can keep your guns.
    2A for ever

  19. If your main concern is gun rights, pro-gun democrats are the best thing that can possibly happen. (This assumes that they are really pro-gun and not just lying) Any issue that both parties agree on is settled (they're not going back to alcohol prohibition or hanging witches, because both parties agree). If enough donations and votes go to pro-gun democrats the party can be flipped on that issue, or at least enough of the party that they won't have enough votes to do any damage.

    Now there may be other policy reasons not to vote democrat, but that's a separate question.

  20. Never vote for any Democrat under any circumstances. Half of the Republicans are shit-libs, but ALL Democrats are anti-Constitution. The only hard vote is during the Republican primaries.


  21. I'm empathic, I never, ever, vote Democratic!


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