
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Food Shortages and Food Processing Plant Fires – What’s Going On?

Though rarely reported by mainstream news, there have been an unusual number of significant fires in food processing facilities around the country this year and even going back into last year. The fires are starting to give rise to noteworthy chatter online, especially as the Biden administration—whose policies largely support the ‘great reset‘ agenda pushed by the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization—warns us about food shortages.


  1. the two planes did not do any major damage to the respective plants, so that is reaching for nothing. Neither impacted food production.

    The rest? I don't think they are unusual occurrences.

    Someone has their tinfoil beanie on way too tight.

    1. Funny how the gov-bots jump on all of these so quick. GTFO botman. They are boiling the frog to get us ready to accept shortages coming down the pike

    2. BS - I work in manufacturing as a consultant, multiple industries including food plants. A fire once in a while, maybe an explosion once in a 'blue moon'. This amount of significant issues is very unusual. The FBI wants to claim cyber attacks, I don't believe anything the FBI claims. Trust me, this is very unusual. I expect the insurance industry to be up all these companies asses if this trend continues.

  2. I read about this a few days ago. Also, a big tire plant went up in smoke in the last four months. That may have been listed and I didn't' see it. This is concerning is it not. QAnon or Coincidence?

  3. Ice Age Farmer is one of the best sources of info.

    War on Food Goes Hot: FBI warns cyberattacks on farms -- One farm stands up - 18 min

    Here's his map of all these "coincidences"

  4. gee, I don't know about most of you, but I stopped trusting anything on the "news" years ago.
    and sending military aid to the uke's is a really dumb idea. all those things they put in place to stop Vlad used to be called acts of war in the old history books. now ,,
    if the clowns in charge are talking about food shortages , it may be because they started or helped that shit along. my parents lived thru the time of FDR as my dad called it.
    and we always had lots of food in the house. everyday stuff and a lot of just in case food
    too. we have seen shortages already in stores, so it would be wise to have a bit of food on hand just in case. too many people have less than a week's worth of meals in their homes these days. damn few people even know how to grow food or have a garden.
    that is a skill like anything else. you have top LEARN how to do it right.
    besides the prices you pay today will be a lot less than what you may have to pay in a month or two for the same thing- look at gas. heating fuel or anything else.
    do what you want to, as I will. but remember this, you where warned about it.

  5. I read that in USA there are now restrictions on rail transport of fertiliser and it is now time to seed and plant.

  6. Prof. Rauol X's hand at work in the fires methinks.

  7. What is going on here? The article really doesn't tell us. Throwing in the two plane incidents makes me question the rest.
    Prior to the dempanic, American eating habits were 60-40. We ate 60% of our meals at restaurants cafeterias and other public accommodations. Our food suppliers were geared accordingly. With the lock down, we had to eat at home 100% . It's not easy to switch commercial production to at home. Restaurants don't buy corn in 14 oz cans. What was the production capacity for the at home food? I don't know and ain't gonna look tonight. Let's guess and go with 80%. That means they could ramp production to cover 59% of our needs.
    We didn't see an immediate impact because they have stuff warehoused for when they need to shut down production for cleaning and repair. It took some time, but those stocks are largely depleted.
    If they are running full steam, things are gonna wear out. Some of this is from machines failing.
    We also have the dilemma of bad policy. The donks are looking for an excuse. Any harbor in a storm.
    Sabotage is a possibility. What would start civil unrest faster than a few hungry mouths?
    They tried to whip the racism mule after George Floyd overdosed. That didn't work.
    Keep a weather eye. If you hear a noise in the night, you may toss and turn. If you hear a noise and the dog barks, you pay close attention, and if the dog growls and you hear breaking glass, you come out of your bed ready to kill.
    Don't over react, but don't go back to sleep. Our enemies are about and they are evil.

  8. Don't forget New & untrained staff. The old workers retiring, or people just giving it up for maybe not getting the jab. The is an assumption in management that "Everyone knows what to do, & it's easy."
    They missed the Caldwell Milk Dryer fire in Oct. The plant also makes butter.
    The week of the fire, butter price began to rise.
    The week they resumed butter production, price fell sharply.
    Powder production will not resume for 18 months.

  9. Back in my day we called it "Jewish lightning" and let the insurance pay off.

  10. Read a report the other day of the number of food processing facilities that have burned etc. lately. If I remember right, during the entire year of 2016 = 7, 2018 = 7, 2019 = 6, 2020 not recorded cause of some covid bullshit, 2021 = 8, 2022 so far = 17. That's double the previous years in only 4 months. Considering the fiasco and threats of food shortages cause by the bogus Ukraine events, and all they lead to, plus considering none of their lockdown face diaper wearing and other threats are no longer working, along with the threat of war with "Russia" , this is the next logical step on their road to world wide domination and reduction of the population. This is all planned boys and girls. Plus the fact that the rails are threatened (you know damn good and well they are) with sanctions of some sort if they don't reduce the amount of grains, fertilizers, and other crop necessities for processing. Add it all together and the fickle finner points in one direction only. You know it does. Follow the money. The trail that tells no lies.


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