
Thursday, April 07, 2022

Defendant Sentenced for Dog Fighting Conspiracy and Illegal Possession of Firearms

A Virginia resident was sentenced today to 37 months in prison to be followed by three years of supervised release after pleading guilty to federal charges resulting from a lengthy investigation into a significant multi-state dog fighting conspiracy.


They should've shot the sonofabitch as far as I'm concerned. I've got no sympathy for anybody involved in dogfighting.


  1. Turn those dogs loose on that SOB!

  2. When they raid these pieces of f<>k they should do it during a fight and execute every swinging richard on the spot. THAT would demonstrate how seriously it's taken and that it won't be tolerated. No mercy for anyone involved in such evil.

    1. You'll get no argument from me, although I think letting their fighting dogs rip them to shreds would be a more fitting punishment.

    2. I'm still boiling about those two shitheads who sicced their dogs on the cat.

    3. TW, I'm not a cat person but watching that video made me sick to my stomach even though the attack was blurred out.
      Clarification: I don't hate cats, but I just never got attached to the ones my mother or my ex had.

  3. i worked with a pos that did that shit. we tried to get rid of him but he was affirmative action, but the law finally got him on dog fighting. he was involved w/ michael vick. it used to be hillbilly, but now is a hood thing. let the punishment fit the crime as they say.

  4. Dogs, chickens, Siamese fighting fish - some people will watch anything.

  5. If someone wants to be Billy badass and fight , fine pal go for it , but making your dog(or chicken or whatever) fight because you are too much of a gaping pussy and afraid of taking your licks ? Fuck you , like others have said End Them.

  6. Right now I'm so sick I can barely lift my pistol, let alone handle the recoil. That said, save me a place in line for these sick SOBs. No mercy for dog fighters.

  7. I would never treat any dog the way that piece of shit treated his dogs--but I'll be damned if I think the government should have the power to cage humans for any other reasons than a willful violation of the rights of another human or the willful damage of another person's property.

    In my state, there are only three crimes a law enforcement officer has no discretion over and *MUST* arrest:

    * A warrant signed by a judge
    * Domestic violence (a 17 year old was mad at their mom and threw a water bottle on the ground. It bounced and hit mom in the leg. Mandatory night in jail and never allowed to touch a gun again. Thanks boot lickers.)
    * Animal abuse

    When did animals become a special protected class above humans?

    Like I said, I would never treat my animals that way (we're supposed to be good stewards of what God gave us), but fuck corrupt government power.

    1. Except that humans that abuse animals tend to abuse other people as well.
      But seriously, you think I should be able to shoot your dog for no reason and have nothing happen to me?

    2. That's a strawman. Nowhere did I say some dude should be allowed to shoot *someone else's* dog.

      *My* dog is *my* property. *Your* dog is *your* property.

      If *I* shoot *your* dog, I better have a damn good if your dog was attacking someone.

      If this absolute loser of a human being was stealing or abusing *other people's* dogs, he should definitely be dragged in front of a court, and have a jury decide his fate and the restitution to the people he harmed and the property that was damaged.

      As for people moving on from animal abuse to abusing humans...well...we don't arrest people for what they *might* do. Pre-crime bullshit isn't allowed in this country.

      Like I said, this guy is an absolute piece of shit. But we don't criminalize being a piece of shit... We criminalize the violation of human rights and damaging other people's property.

      I wouldn't shed a tear though if God decided to send a lightning bolt his way.

    3. So basically what you're saying is dogfighting should be allowed, we'll just let God sort it out with lightning bolts.
      Tell me, how do you think they train those dogs to fight? They steal other people's smaller dogs and toss them to their fighting dogs.

    4. If they are stealing other people's property, then absolutely go prosecute them for theft. Charge them through the nose for "emotional damage" or whatever.

    5. And what I'm saying is that it's not the Fed's job to "allow" or "disallow" anything that isn't specified in the constitution. It may be an unpopular opinion, but I would have the exact same response if the feds wanted to make it illegal for you to use certain lightbulbs, mandate that you buy insurance, or put restrictions on speech where you were forced to speak the "proper pronouns".

      It's quite simply not within their jurisdiction. Doubly so if they aren't stealing dogs across state lines.

    6. Except the article clearly states that it was a "multi-state dog fighting conspiracy" which I have to assume that it means dogs were taken over state lines to fight.

      How about we agree to disagree because I'm not going to change your mind and you're sure not going to change mine, which is making this a waste of both my time and yours.

    7. I skimmed the article. I obviously missed the "multi-state" part. But that means it would depend on if he was stealing dogs from one state to transport to another.

      Regardless, I wouldn't shed a tear of someone took that dude out behind a woodshed and beat him with a rubber hose.

    8. Well, I look at it like dogfighting is illegal in every State in the Union so if it's crossing borders, then the Feds are going to claim jurisdiction, same as stealing a car in one state and driving it across the state line.
      I had a buddy that stole a car in Kansas City, Kansas when he was 18 years old and drove it to a friend's house in Kansas City, Missouri and got busted. That got the Feds involved and he ended up doing something like 4 years in a Federal joint. We were laughing about it one night and he told me he was so drunk he didn't even realize he'd crossed the line. That's a hell of a "I was soooo drunk" story, isn't it?


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