
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Does Media Really Get Away with Alleged Bias, Gun Law Violations?

U.S.A. –-( A broadcast journalist using a hidden camera enters a gun show, purchases two “80-percent” gun kits, then goes to the state attorney general’s office where two agents help complete and assemble the guns before firing them on a range—allegedly violating state and federal gun laws in the process—while the camera records it all. 

During a Sunday morning interview with a network news anchor, a nationally-known gun rights leader is challenged to discuss a 30-round magazine held by the anchor, on a show broadcast from the nation’s capital, where such magazines are known to be illegal.


  1. No the ATF won't go after him for possession of illegally manufactured gun, since he had to hire someone to build it for him. The ATF doesn't care about laws except to suit the anti second amendment.

  2. Does a bear poop in the woods?


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