
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Quit. Just quit. Enough is enough.

America doesn't have a race problem, it has a problem race.

So far today, at 9:15 AM, I have seen that phrase SIX fucking times in my comments.
It was okay the first couple times I saw it, but within the past couple weeks, I bet I've come across that in the comments no less than a hundred times and I'm not exaggerating.
I posted it the first couple times, but when I see it now, I roll my eyes and hit the delete button.

For a good long while I thought it was the same persistent commenter posting under an anonymous tag, but lately I've seen it coming from other folks using their screen names.

It compares to that other saying that drove me fucking nuts a while back because everybody and their mothers used it - 'Keep your booger hook off the bang switch' and it's getting treated the same way, so please quit wasting my time and yours.


  1. 87% of people support this comment, and really know about the 13%....

  2. I guess I am happy here under my rock. I hadn't heard that phrase. But I agree, it isn't a race problem it is an individual person problem. I can find turds of many colors without too much trouble. As for the other phrase, I don't use my index finger to pick my nose. I use my pinky, I can reach in there further. And if anybody says they don't pick there nose I will call BS on it.

    1. Couldn't figure out how to put my name on the post above. I said and I own it.

    2. If MLK is such a big deal to them, why not follow his admonition regarding 'Character'?
      Maybe because he was just another hypocritical "man of the cloth" like jessie & al, and that's easier to follow?


    3. Naw, just like John Wayne, what those guys stand for NOW is truth, character, honor, duty, all those things we hold dear. Were those men perfect? Of course not, but the things they strove to accomplish are perfect. Although I believe one of them was a good bit more crooked than the other...

  3. For many many years everyone was silent and scared they will be called racist so its good that people acknowledge the facts, We DO have a problem race

    1. That's fine, but how about a little originality instead of sounding like a room full of parrots or kindergartners? I mean, seriously, the exact same phrase over and over and over again?

    2. People go with what works....

    3. Except it doesn't work here any more.

    4. How about Amish or referring to the people in the articles that you publish as guess the race? Is that allowed when referring to the criminals that commit 90% of the crimes in this country?


    5. I'm good with that too - I'm not seeing it multiple times a day.

  4. It's either the exception or the rule. Not both.

  5. Forgive my ignorance. Not sure what phrase you are referring to.

  6. If referring to booger hook not sure how race is involved. Again not trying to offend. I'm a big fan of your site.

    1. Race isn't involved. Our host is just worn out with that expression and the lack of originality it takes in using it.

      Personally, I thought it was a stupid phrase the first time I ever heard it. Kind of like gun writers using the expression "handle it with aplomb". Who the hell uses that word except unoriginal gun writers???

    2. Very good sir.
      Thank you for clarification.

    3. He stuck in his thumb and pulled out aplomb.

    4. 'He' must have been a gun writer.

  7. Kinda like when you hear a song the first time and think meh kind of catchy but nothing special , then all the sudden you can't escape it you hear the damn thing everywhere all the time.!

    1. Like Stairway to Heaven? Or Bohemian Rhapsody?

    2. Bohemian Rhapsody, eh?

      Is this the real life?
      Is this dystopia?
      All globohomo
      No escape from reality
      Open your eyes,
      Look up to the skies and see!
      I’m just a white boy, I need no sympathy
      I’m just a white boy TPB hates me
      He’s just a white boy from a white family
      Grant him freedom from this monstrosity
      Rights of Man, Liberty, will you let me go
      Bee Ell Em! No, we will not let you go
      (Let him go!) Ay Dee Ell! We will not let you go
      (Let him go!) Eff Bee Eye! We will not let you go
      (Let me go) Will not let you go
      (Let me go)(Never) Never let you go
      (Let me go) (Never) let you go (Let me go) Ah
      No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

    3. Just had to go there didn't you?

    4. Hearing or reading anyone say "all the sudden" or "all of the sudden" chaps my ass as much as the two Kenny mentioned.

  8. Hey, it's your web site, so you can stop comments entirely if you want. I read your web site everyday, along with maybe thirty more, but we must be reading very different web sites. I have never seen/heard that expression before. It is succinct, to the point, and accurate.

    Yet, everyone knows which race is the problem race. When expressing those opinions, however, most people respond, "But you can't SAY that!" That doesn't mean that everyone doesn't KNOW that.

    Here's more fuel for the discussion from a USA Today article about a CDC study: "The analysis, titled "A Public Health Crisis in the Making," found that although Black men and boys ages 15 to 34 make up just 2% of the nation's population, they were among 37% of gun homicides that year.

    That's 20 times higher than white males of the same age group."

  9. just don't feed the trolls

  10. why does it bug you that much? I haven't used the phrase but it is correct. Whatever you say boss man it's your house. It's petty and I'll miss this place but whatever dude...c-ya

    1. As I said in the post, I'm sick and tired of hearing it. Whenever I open up a string of 30 comments and I see it in 6 of them, it's overdone - and that was just this morning.
      Later, dude.

    2. I admit Mr. Lane I don't understand why that expression bugs you so much, albeit I hadn't noticed it the number of times you say it happens but me thinks Mr. EM Johnson is overreacting and will still be hanging around. :P

    3. Mr Johnson is welcome back any time he wants. He's always contributed some good insight to the conversation and I'm not going to hold a grudge over something as minor as this.

  11. I don't like calling it a problem race. It's a race with problems. There's no genetic disposition to murdering people that is stronger because they are black.
    The problem is that the welfare policies Democrats institutionalized created single parent families that are generational. How is a black adolescent supposed to know how to act when he has no father to show him? What about daughters? How are they going to know how to interact with a man when the men around mom come cum and leave?
    Kids without guidance act out. It's become generational because our government made it that way.

    1. You're wrong about there being no genetic disposition to killing folks.

      There are multiple studies that prove there is a direct correlation between the lower the IQ, the higher propensity to be violent.

      But you're mostly right with the rest of your remarks, white liberals destroyed the black family unit intentionally and that is the main driver of their problems. The demonKKKrats took the blacks from literal plantation and now have them still living mentally on a plantation as victims, hence their behavior as a whole.

  12. I would add 'Fd around and found out" and "asking for a friend" to that list.

    1. You can add, 'just saying' to the list. And, 'you do you'. And, 'slippery slope'. And, 'sea change'.

    2. "Do you hear what I'm saying?" is another one.

    3. Oops, I forgot one of the worst. "'Nuff said." When I hear that phrase I know I'm dealing with an idiot.

    4. As soon as I see 'ye olde' anywhere in a post, I bolt. No, 'expat' and others, it does NOT make you sound 'erudite' or 'profound'. It sounds pretentious. Especially when you use the silly phrase again, and again, and again...

  13. America has a mental illness problem. It's the only thing that explains all the weird crap that has been going on such as the 57 genders thing, the pronouns thing, the sexism thing, the race thing (though I have to admit to a particular dislike of Klingons) and the related CRT thing, the Patriarchy thing, the Trans thing, the Biden thing, and a whole long list of 'things' that might have otherwise landed people in a mental institution not all that long ago.

    1. Brother, you nailed it! Leftards are mentally ill. Only thing that explains it.

  14. Yeah, yeah. Besides the fact that it's super clumsy to say that. Because it truly isn't about the race. It's about the culture that we allowed to become acceptable. The reality is now, that culture has permeated to other races. Go to any party with young folks and see what music they listen to and how they talk to each other.

  15. So, you don't have a comment problem, but problem commenters?

  16. WC: Have you ever got the idea a lot of people don't read all of what you said before they reply? Like most of the replies here?

    1. HA!!! Or not clicking on the link to a post and making a comment that has no bearing. I see a lot of that too.

    2. Well I've used that very phrase here in the past few days, and I assure you that I'm not coordinating with anyone. But if it occurs that frequently, maybe it is one of those organic truths that shouldn't be ignored...or censored. Maybe?

    3. I'm pretty sure yours is one of the ones I posted, then I started getting bombarded with it.
      I've got nothing against 'organic truths', but I do with endless repetition.

    4. Well I'm you've found this, but when you run a blog, especially a popular one, there is no predicting what people will post. What I find amazing about these open comment sections is the brutal creativity and humor that people come up with. Example: the current memes and jokes about liberals losing their shit over Musk taking over Twatter. Hilarious, and brutal. We belong to a very funny and unforgiving species.

  17. I despise cliché's. People think they are being so smart and cool using the words of the day. Some I recall, Jump right in with both feet. We triaged the list, I perused the document, Kudos, Extrapolate and it goes on and on.

  18. You must get around a lot more then I do WC because I've never seen that phrase.

    When you see stats like blacks commit 7x the violet crime on whites as the reverse with about 3% of the population vs the same white demographic at ~17%, the phrase, although apparently overused on your trails, is succinct and right on.

    1. I don't disagree with the phrase, I just hate seeing it over and over and over again.
      And I don't believe I've ever seen it anywhere else, just here - several times a day, every day.

    2. @ Wirecutter - An alternative explanation for the recurrence of that phrase might be the following: It is a known tactic of the ADL and certain other folks on the political left to ghost-comment (post under false pretenses) content deemed "racist," "hateful," etc. - which is then used as grist for the mill when it comes time to label certain websites as "extremist" and therefore beyond the pale of civilized norms. In other words, an internet version of a false-flag or frame-job. It's what they do.

  19. Long time fan WC, very rarely do I comment, but ask your indulgence.

    If an American Race Problem train is leaving San Francisco at 60 mph, and a Problem Race train is leaving Cambridge at 75 mph, how many transgender climate activists will quit Twitter?

  20. I don’t comment frequently, but please let me know when “bitches be crazy” is getting worn out. I have to admit to being prone to dropping that one.
    Rock on, WC

  21. Hey hey, everybody take a deep breath and remember "slow is smooth, smooth is fast"

  22. I've (very rarely, Oh OK ...twice in mumble years) accidentally made a comment/statement elsewhere that seemed to 'resonate' and was picked up by others. The tingle you get seeing 'your words' days later, somewhere else, used 'to' you is amusing (and almost more so when they pretend it was their unique idea).

    But when someone is actively, desperately 'trying' to start a meme, well, that's just sad.


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