
Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Homeschooling numbers remain highly elevated despite public having reopened

The number of parents homeschooling their children in the United States remains well above pre-pandemic levels, even as schools have continued to stay open and other restrictions have continued to ease. 

In a review of select state data by the Associated Press, homeschooling rates fell by just 17% in the 2021-2022 school year after spiking 63% the year prior.


  1. If you can it's the only way to go these days. If in an accredited program you have access to everything the public school offers to include, gym and band to list a few. My job required that I attend and be on various board within the community. Not unusual too see parents at these meetings and the kid taking notes. They were actually seeing and learning how their county government worked. I also saw parents with kids in groceries. The kid had X amount of dollars and was doing all the shopping for that weeks meals. Of course a list and meals had been planned prior to the grocery but the kid was to look for deals and had coupons. Lots of other things I saw that impressed me with home school. One of my employees had two children and both were home schooled. He was opposed to any public school activity but his kids belonged to various groups. The girls big thing was ballet and the boy took art classes. Of course play at the park or with neighbors, little league etc. They were into the church scene so lots of activities there too. Both kids are in college now and excelling in curricula that is of value. The girl I think molecular engineering and I'm not sure what the boy is taking but I know it's a tough curricula. As teens if you spoke to these kids they looked you in the eye and had wonderful chats. None a that looking at the ground like a moron saying, Idunno. They were interesting and confident.

  2. No shit... lost all trust in public EVERYTHING!

  3. If you want to be absolutely sure that your child can read for comprehension and make 2 +2 = 4, you have to do it yourself. I would also add geography, American History and government/Constitution educate them, yourself.

  4. Once people realize how easy teaching your kids at home is, and how horrific the influence of public schools is, of course they're not sending their kids back.

    If you're wondering, the book to read to convince yourself to let go of your expectations of doing what I call "public school at home" is called "free at last" by sudbury valley schools.

    IMHO the only thing public schools are good for is providing free babysitting for low-income families. And they do a piss-poor job of that!

    Public schools are so extremely corrupt that the ONLY workable option is to abandon them and build something else.

  5. My buddy homeschooled his daughters. Both in college at the same time, youngest was 14. Elder went into teaching, younger does pediatric dentistry. She was the substitute teacher when the professor was away. Had her doctorate in her early 20's. Both VERY SMART LADIES. Damn fine shots, too. He told me they taught themselves.

  6. My daughter goes to a private Christian school, with a scholarship Thank God. At the end of the 2019-2020 school year, cut short due to the Chinaflu, they had roughly 150 students. A growth of about 50 kids over the past 10 years.
    This year for the 2021-2022 school year they had close to 350 students.

    The local public school spends over $8k per student per year. Tuition at my daughter's school is $5k before the scholarship. Yeah, I drive a 10 year old vehicle which was my wife's before her stroke. We eat lots of beans and cornbread. We live in a 30 year old double-wide. Priorities, Priorities, your kids or that new truck? Choose wisely.

    1. You sure did. My hat is off to you.

    2. I'm not big on religion, no I don't proclaim to be an atheist, but I agree with the Christian schooling. From what I see it's a solid education. The local one here still teaches cursive and civics. Two of my wives had Christian education and one graduated from Loyola in New Orleans. I was always amazed at their level of education. My first choice though is home schooling. The family I spoke of above let their kids start school when they wanted to. I remember him coming to work one day and he said well my son decided to start school. The boy was almost seven at the time. They made it very clear to their kids, you can start when you are ready but once committed it's on. As said, both children, now adults, are still excelling. All the various groups, lgbt, blm and antifa they find a waste of time. They thirst for learning and socialize with like thinking people.

    3. Lord bless you and keep you and yours. You're doing a great job!

  7. Some teachers fed up with the pc indoctrination centers aka public schools have quit.

    6-8 families pool resources & hire them to homeschool their kids.

    Works out very well.



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