
Friday, April 08, 2022

"Shhh, quit drawing attention to us"

Because black people commit nearly every fatal/non-fatal shooting in Philadelphia, black journalists and trauma surgeons agree local media shouldn’t report on individual black violence because it hurts black people’s feelings.


  1. The Black community needs to solve the 13% 90+% problem, most of which perpetrated on other black people. Until that happens for a long Long LONG time, blacks will continue to viewed in a negative light by average Americans.

    MLK said to judge people by the content of their character. I wonder how he would characterize black people these days.


  2. Silly notion.
    Basically, not talking about it makes it go away.


  3. I'm oh-so concerned about their feelings. Nemo is right; MLK would be disgusted.

  4. Nothing new, most of the country and especially black folks have not been wanting to admit the truth and address the root cause. Until they do, nothing will change and the hate and guilting of white people will continue.

  5. Feelings are irrelevant. I have the bumper sticker.


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