
Friday, April 08, 2022

Some doctors say they'll quit over COVID stress, study finds

A quarter of doctors who participated in a February survey said they plan to leave their primary care jobs within the next three years because of stress over COVID-19, according to researchers. 


  1. "some clinicians surveyed reported experiencing suicidal ideation, panic attacks in their sleep and the need to pull their cars over on the way home from work to vomit due to stress brought on by the pandemic."

    In recent decades, those going into medicine (as with other professions) are overwhelmingly female, and most are left wing. This story is just supporting evidence. I'm not saying all females are unstable wokesters, but...

  2. Three years ago my doctor was saying he would probably work ten more years but once his buddy died from COVID he quit at the end of 2020.

  3. Small survey; the bit about using coffee filters instead of masks sounds made-up. Biggest problem was not the disease, but the government/self induced restrictions. Cancelling all but COVID care, letting go of staff due to low numbers of people to treat and then refusing to re-hire them unless they had the jab.

  4. First of all, it's not a vaccine. No matter how many times you call it one won't change the fact that it's an experimental drug that was used that bypassed clinical trials and one whose manufacturers were protected from liability.

    And listening to these doctors moaning & wailing about all the stress they're under because of the chinese flu is a joke right? Wearing garbage bags and coffee filters?? Had to pull over driving to vomit??

    Sounds like the same fear porn that induces millions of people to get tested for an illness that they don't have any symptoms of and then to take an experimental drug that neither protects them from getting it or prevents transmission.

    For an illness that has over a 99% survival rate. Good grief, must be booster time...again.

    1. it's not just experimental, but genetic manipulation.


      amazing the number of people who balk at gmo crops, that lined up to get injected.

  5. What will happen if we ever face a truly major disaster such as a civil war or being attacked on our own soil or a catastrophic natural calamity? What will these doctors and nurses do then?

    1. It's already happening. There's an invasion force of MILLIONS pouring in through the southern border.

  6. I read it. I'm going with they're burned out, exhausted, PTSD'd from guilt and the knowledge they did not honor the Hippocratic oath.

  7. Stress over their abandonment of the Hippocratic oath AKA First Do No Harm. The big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ payments to them, hospitals, and Big Pharma by our banana republic Ruling Class took precedence over their common sense. The doctors are culpable for their acquiescence in the name of $$$.

  8. Doctors have to know how horribly wrong they are about Covid and Remdesivir. They also know that when they withhold Ivermectin they are personally involved with Medical Malpractice and murder. It's only a matter of time before we see a nationwide increase in MD suicides.

  9. To be retitled: Doctors: When predators become prey.
    Shortly they'll be hunted even harder than disney's groomers.

  10. I agree with the comments about not following their oath and finally realizing they played a significant part in contributing to needless deaths.
    I would say this is more likely their guilt causing their problems.

  11. Well, it's part of the reason that come Tuesday, May 31st I will be filling my last clinical medicine shift. 42 years and done

  12. no sympathy for these fuxkers. I lost three jobs in the past two years for refusing that damned shot. still struggling but getting by working about 60 hours a week and no overtime. "that is stressful too, doctor."

  13. two years ago they were "heroes"

  14. To Stressed Doctors, confession is good for the soul.


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