
Friday, April 01, 2022

The fall of Seattle

This February, Bruce Harrell, newly installed as mayor of Seattle, made it official that his city has gone into decline. “The truth is the status quo is unacceptable,” he said in his first state of the city address. “It seems like every day I hear stories of longtime small businesses closing their doors for good or leaving our city.” But it’s not just small businesses. In mid-March, Amazon announced that it was abandoning a 312,000-square-foot office space in downtown, citing concerns over crime.


  1. Billy Bob in TexasApril 1, 2022 at 11:27 AM

    Well, it all started with electing outright commies to the city council and it went downhill from there right into being a commie shithole city were normal people will not live/work/visit or spend any money. They must learn to embrace the suck cause it aint gonna change.

    1. The Amazon woke work force voting for idiocy certainly didn't help any either. Frankly, I wish they'd fully embrace the suck and double down on their policies so we can point to them and say "this is why we don't want those policies here."

    2. Amazon employees in Bessemer Alabama just rejected the Union - for a second time:

  2. Amazon has a huge amount of office space in Seattle, this is not so big so far as the total goes. It might be a nice new bldg they put up however, I am unsure. But in general workers are not coming back to many cities and office space will be vacated all over. Shittyattle voted for it and deserves it, Amazon is their city council's favorite punching bag and Amazon pays extra taxes based on head count in the city. So the wokerati Amazon employees with go someplace else (Bellevue) to ruin.

  3. Like the dandelion puffs exploding in the breeze, all those displaced commies can reseed in hundreds of towns, sinking their nutrient robbing roots into the economic fabric already built by others, while they complain that the grass is racist and homophobic.

  4. Most of the high-rises in Seattle (and I work in most of them over the years) are about 30% empty right now. That number is increasing. There are basically no rules here. The truth is that, short of shooting people, I can do whatever I want here. In candor,if one wanted to....they prolly could shoot someone and get away with it. Welcome to Babylon.

    The economic impact of the bafoonery that has happened here in the last 20 years won't be fully felt for a couple of years yet. This is the new Detroit. They just don't know it yet. This city was a port town and the gateway to Alaska. That's it. It was a backwater through the 80s. It will be again very soon.

    Let it burn.

    I'm leaving the state, hopefully in the next three months.

  5. A good read that would have been better if the writer and the cops interviewed hadn't started off by blaming Floyd's death on Chauvin. Floyd died of fentanyl poisoning caused by eating the bag of it he had on him when confronted by police, and he was uttering the ghetto mantra "I can't breathe" within moments of that initial confrontation.

    1. Of course Floyd couldn't breathe. His body was shutting down.

      Of course, it takes a lot of breath to shout "I can't breathe" so there's that, too.

      Gee, I want to overdose and have my family receive 10's of millions of dollars too. (not, just being a sarcastic asshole because that's me.)

  6. They could have stopped this crap on the second night. Frank Rizzo and Richard Daly simply did not allow looting/burning and the criminals knew it. Fucking Rizzo blew up several houses and let 3 sq blocks burn, killed like 15(?) people and guess what?

    Tie the cops' hands and the dystopian nightmare I've seen last last 2 evening forays into downtown Seattle(last year) are what you get.

  7. No one in Portland is aware of how bad things have turned out since the election of Ted Wheeler. So take all of Seattle's bums, starting with elected bums, to Portland. No one will ever know or care. In fact, Wheeler openly welcomes the bums, Wheeler's Operation Pandering to Parasites.


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