
Friday, April 15, 2022

Who Really Committed War Crimes in Bucha?

The reports and photographs showing an apparent massacre in Bucha, Ukraine, are truly terrible. They are reminiscent of the atrocities used to galvanize Western opinion during Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s, when the Srebrenica Massacre and the Siege of Sarajevo were seared into Western consciousness. 

Of course, pictures do not always tell the whole story. For example, to determine whether a war crime took place we must know who did the killing, why, and how. After all, the United States killed many thousands of Iraqis and Afghans, frequently by accident, in the course of those wars. Few in the United States or Europe would call those actions war crimes. This all became apparent after the United States exonerated itself for the annihilation of an Afghan family via a missile strike during the withdrawal of U.S. forces last summer. Oops.


  1. I'd bet both sides committed war crimes.

  2. There have been reports of Ukrainian civilians poisoning Russian troops. That makes those civilians fair targets.

    I'm too lazy to look it up, but the allies killed a huge number of French civilians driving out the National Socialists.

    Dresden was given special attention by allied bombers. A bomber crash landed at some point and the civilians killed the survivors. After that, the slogan was "save one for Dresden". Every bombing mission that could, would drop a bomb indiscriminately on Dresden's civilians for the murder of the downed crew.

  3. I have had problems believing the saintliness of the Ukrainians, not that they aren’t good people - I’m sure there are many good Ukrainians - their government is abusive and lying (sounds like our government). The media’s truthfulness is also a known factor; why should I ever believe anything they say? The fact that George Soros backs them is enough for me to doubt the veracity of Zelensky‘s claims.

    1. The Ukrainians have been far more truthful than the Putinazi Russians. Practically everything coming out of Russia has been a lie.

    2. Quartermaster, you could truthfully say the same thing about Washington, DC, and the so-called news media. Like Reagan said, "Trust but verify". I'd like to see some verification before condemning anyone of anything. I don't trust Putin, I don't trust Zelensky, and I for damn sure don't trust Biden or his spokespeople.

  4. My money is on the Ukrainians....

    1. mine too. saw a vid of an old ukrainian fellow, he said the uke army came through, told them all to go to the town hall where it would be safe. all but 10 villagers including the old man went. it was blown up in the middle of the night. it all stinks to heaven. even my rep in d.c. drank the kool-aid. the dems need the war.

    2. The only video evidence I have seen of war crimes being committed was the Ukrainian military shooting Russian POWs and Ukrainian military medics shooting off at the mouth about medically mutilating Russian POWs.

      Shell that hospital into the ground.

  5. I'm sure most have seen the video where the "dead" aren't really dead but one moves his arm to keep it from being run over, then can be seen getting up in the side view mirror after those "filming" passed. OOPS. likewise "bodies" being picked up like they weigh less than 20lbs and have no bones in them. I've had to carry my share of crisis actors in training (03) and a body is not so trivially moved.

    Both sides are likely lying but the seemingly most authentic war crime videos are Ukrainians murdering Russian POWs. People, and in some cases a bunch of teenagers that would be chilling/raving/LAN partying one night are now murdering each other on the next, but for what reason? Few people actually want to be on an active battlefield and most of are probably unlucky conscripts. The opposing force killing your friends and members of your unit doesn't mean it's personal. No one has any clue who anyone else is on the receiving end of fire, it's just business and a job that some higher up says you need to do, else be executed or spend your life in prison. That people commit such crimes is what happens when there is no more punishment or rule of law to keep evil in check.

    Maybe I sound like a broken record but the real enemy in the matter is Satan and those that enable him (centralized governments, banks, and power).

    I am very skeptical when a passport (Yeah that age old trick) is found right next to "Ukrainian bodies" and mass graves / war crimes are simply left out in the open and uncovered for all to see.

    I sometimes doubt the authenticity of various pictures simply due to the lack of blood that should have had time to run through the dirt, coagulate, and the general lack of chaos of little debris that often comes with a violent event.

    The MSM, aka all fake news/mockingbird media, cable/sat news channels are in LOCKSTEP coverage and Ukraine can apparently do no evil. I have yet to see a single piece of negative news concerning Ukraine, not a single crime to be investigated, accidental shooting, fog of war incident, nothing AT ALL. Only Ukraine can do good, only Russia can do evil, plenty of coverage of charities for Ukraine but Russian charities apparently don't exist. It's obscene and the truth was executed decades before this war ever started.

    Now, despite Ukraine being littered with neo-NAZIs, they are comparing themselves to Jews and genocide while Russia is demonized as NAZIs... it's ridiculous.

    Question everything, little is said without an agenda anymore.


    1. Thanks for taking the time to write this; you saved me the trouble. My wife is a naturalized citizen from Russia (Kyrgyzstan, actually--and she gets grumpy if I don't make that distinction) with family still over there. She already had access to the Telegram platform and can still get videos from Ukraine showing a whole different story than what the MSM wants us to see. The Russians, if nothing else, are following the Geneva Convention. The Ukrainians? Not even close. Not just the way they're treating the POWs--crippling them for no reason, killing the wounded, etc., but they are also shooting their own citizens. The whole thing stinks to high heaven and exactly what the elites wanted. I'd be more specific in my assessment, but...

    2. Putin's regime is shot through with literal Nazis. Putin defines a Nazi as anyone who is Ukrainian but does not want to be Russian. Putin has borrowed much from Hitler's playbook.

    3. So have the Democrats.

  6. In every war there are Traitors who are usually just killed out of hand. I really doubt that this war is any different. Plus the most scariest thing in thing in the world. Is a teenager who is scared and has a fully loaded automatic rifle with some grenades.

    1. I think Kyle did okay.

    2. True enough! Followed by a very guilty Giggle or two.

  7. Ukraine and Russia both are criminal enterprises and neither is to be believed.

  8. I'm not believing most of the propaganda coming from Ukraine. WTF do we care about their 200 yr old civil war? Best thing we could do is stay out of it, but then the Neocons want to line their pockets with more war.

    1. There is no civil war in Ukraine. Such claims come directly from Putinazi agitprop.

    2. Neocons? Last I checked it was the democrats and the neolibs that were beating the drum of war with Russia since Hillary was secretary of state.

  9. Since the rules allow us to judge historical figures using modern day sentiments, we should all recall that during our own Civil War, several major Union generals (Sherman, Sheridan), at the allowance by the War Department, intentionally waged war on Southern civilians. They destroyed homes. starved civilians, burned crops, stole or killed livestock and horses. By today's standards, they were war criminals.

  10. WSJ ran an article about Putin using mercenaries to do his dirty work. We may never know the truth.


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