
Friday, May 13, 2022

Biden's real options on abortion if Roe goes are 'extremely limited,' allies say

Some of President Joe Biden's staunchest supporters and allies are skeptical of his pledge to protect abortion rights should the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade. 

Following Texas's passage of a six-month abortion ban, Biden directed his Gender Policy Council to work in conjunction with the Department of Health and Human Services and White House counsel to map out executive actions he can take to ensure wide-scale abortion access. Three senior Democratic officials told the Washington Examiner that they don't doubt the White House will continue fighting for women's reproductive rights but expressed doubts about just how much legal authority the president actually has on the issue.


  1. I am getting to where I just tell people that I believe that life begins at conception. I figure that for those who support abortion, if they believe me, then they either are saying that they don't care if they murder children, for their own convenience, or if they disagree with me, then they should come up with when they think life begins. And that is where we can have the debate, not whether or not we should kill a living human being, just for the sake of birth control, which I think is the case in most abortions.

  2. Not having legal authority hasn't stopped them yet, I'm sorry to say.

  3. The Declaration and the Constitution make no reference to abortion as a "right". Both do however note that there is a right to "life". You can not exercise the right to life unless you are born and I don't believe any person, other than God, should be allowed to terminate life in the womb.

    In addition, the Sixth Commandment explicitly states God's feeling on killing.

    You don't want babies? Keep your dick in your pants or your legs closed.


  4. Head scotus said it was only a draft and not the final decision. Like the election, the fix is in and status quo will be maintained in the final decision.

  5. I tell people, "Killing the innocent because they're inconvenient is murder".
    I swear when some people hear that you can actually see the demon for a second.

  6. When I mention I'm opposed to abortion, so many question it because they know I'm really not of a religious persuasion leaning more toward the agnostic. They fail to understand that as a science trained person, and someone that believes in the law, I'd HAVE to be opposed to it. Human are the ONLY animal species on the planet that electively terminates their unborn offspring. If that doesn't violate Darwin's law (you know, the science the left always argues is on their side) of animals sole goal is to create more, than I don't know what does. Then there's the whole legal thing, you know, about murder being illegal. I mean (science again) we know hat life begins when sperm meets egg and the cells multiply. Once that cascade is started, that IS life. I'll be interested to see if bacteria (life) if found on mars if the left will be so quick to allow it to be killed when it's brought back here on earth.

  7. I just tell people that I'm pro choice until conception.

  8. I don't now nor have I ever believed in abortion during the first 3 trimesters. But we should be having this discussion for some during their fourth.


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