
Friday, May 13, 2022

With Gas Prices Setting Another Record, Is Fuel Rationing Next?

With gas prices at record highs, billionaire John Catsimatidis, CEO of United Refining Co., said Americans should brace themselves for the prospect of shortages and rationing, particularly for diesel. 

“I wouldn’t be surprised to see diesel being rationed on the East Coast this summer,” Catsimatidis told Bloomberg. “Right now, inventories are low and we may see a shortage in coming months.”


  1. Remember when every other day you could get gas? It all had to do with your license plate number. Everybody had locking gas caps.

  2. I remember sitting in my car, freezing, at zero dark 30, waiting for the gas station to open, so that I could my ten gallon limit. That sucked. Here we are, 50 years later and we have to return to that BS with 500 years of oil reserves in the ground, all because of some far left hocus pocus agenda? Fuck that and fuck Joe Biden.


    1. I’ve noticed recently that the pumps some gas stations are stopping at $75.

    2. That's cuz you are using a debit card. When you put in the debit card, they go hit your bank for the max which is usually set at $75 or $100 and then if you use less, they refund it. Use a credit card or pay cash. also debit cards are evil.

  3. My question is always: Will they prohibit non commercial/agricultural use of diesel? Gonna be some pissed off pickup owners if they do!

  4. I took a short, 360 mile round trip, earlier this week. Cost me about $80.00 in gas. When Trump was President it cost <$40.00.


  5. "Rationing". A word guaranteed to give countless leftist asshats a hard on.

  6. Word is the diesel is being exported, and another ANWR lease has been cancelled in Alaska.

  7. I just paid $6.26 a gallon for diesel for my tractor. Central Mass. Bring back President Trump and energy independence NOW.

  8. Food, fuel, power, information, education, communications, banking and elections are under gov't (or internationalist) control.
    Look at the assclowns "running" the country: pedos, puppets and fools. Congress and the courts are infiltrated and/or compromised.
    Military is being gutted; police are arming up.
    Your smartphone is spying on you. Your commercial transactions and internet activity are scrutinized, your whereabouts are monitored.
    Spycams and license plate readers are everywhere. Drones are watching from above.
    You are systematically being neutralized. Options for effective resistance are dwindling.

    Commie/fascists are playing a long game, and they are playing for keeps.

  9. "Is fuel rationing next?", he asks.

    You skipped a step or two. First we have to have Congressional hearings, culminating with a Windfall Profits Tax on oil companies, along with indictments for oil company executives.

    That's the way these things roll with Democrats. Gotta stick to the script. There is no such thing as a Triple Dog Dare in Washington politics.

  10. Time to visit the junk yard and get me an extra plate with an odd number as last number.


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