
Monday, May 16, 2022

Commentary: No More Ballots in the Wild

When the French people voted for a new president in April, they did so on a single day using paper ballots filled out in the privacy of official polling stations. France, being a normal First World democracy, takes election security seriously. Electronic voting machines are virtually never used. Mail-in voting has been banned nationwide since 1975 out of security fears. Voter rolls are regularly purged of the dead and those who have moved. It is a given that every French voter must show identification before being allowed to fill out a ballot. 

The United States, by contrast, is an oligarchy (a regime where the elite rules) that is only pretending to be a democracy. This is why we use a Third World banana republic election system.


  1. But if we had a secure system the Democrats would not be able to cheat!

  2. Democrats have been practicing electoral corruption for a long time, they just ramped it up for 2020. Nobody's done much about it, it's gone on for a long while, so why not. But beyond the 2020 actions, I wonder how many CongressWeasel are entrenched in office due to this. Al Franken was an example although the women chased him into resigning.

    1. He still served his purpose in getting Obamacare confirmed & approved.

  3. And the French have been known to guillotine corrupt politicians in wholesale numbers also. Coincidence. I think not.

  4. I heard Macron got reelected only because of the same kind of cheating and corruption at here in 2020 election. If that is true, and France used paper ballots only, and single day voting, then even that traditionally method is now suspect.


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