
Monday, May 16, 2022

Priorities, man...

New York City has gone on high alert in the wake of the racially motivated shooting in Buffalo with the NYPD reportedly deploying officers to black places of worship across the city as a precautionary measure Saturday evening. 

'Nypd deploying extra units across city including houses of worship/Black churches as a precaution,' WNBC reporter Jonathan Dienst tweeted Saturday.


Every day I hit a NYC news station for posting material and every day I read about people getting mugged, assaulted, shot, knifed, clubbed or pushed in front of subway trains and almost without exception, the perpetrators are black. Does NYPD go on high alert over those?
Yet you have one scrawny white kid who acted alone and they already caught kill 10 people, and they lose their shit.
Hey, I'm not trying to justify what the little bitch did, but damn, I can't help but think that if he'd been black and the victims white, he'd have already been granted bail and city leaders would be making excuses for him.


  1. SUV parade guy vanished most riki tik, didn't he?

    1. The SUV is still impounded so there is no danger.

  2. Kenny I'm shocked... How rural Tennessee of you!

  3. There is a storm coming, prepare accordingly.....

  4. Elections have consequences but most see them as popularity contests, "oooh he's such a good speaker." Dumb all over, a little ugly on the side - h/t FZ

  5. ...then there's black on black crime which is epidemic in Demonrat strong holds and which rarely gets mentioned in the press at any level, local, state, national.


  6. Just a few months ago, there was a school shooting in Arlington TX. IIRC, nobody died, but some were shot. The black shooter was free on bail some 24 hours later, proving your exact point.


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