
Monday, May 30, 2022

From Joe Biden, the Firearms Expert

Biden recounted been shown x-rays of what a firearm could do to the human body.

'A 9mm bullet blows the lung out of the body,' the president said. 'There’s simply no rational basis for it in terms of self protection, hunting.' 


Of course, this is the same guy that advocated "Get a shotgun. Just get a shotgun" which really will blow a lung right out of a body.
We need some consistency here, partner.


  1. Consistency??? From Brandon??? Surely you jest.

    1. Stop calling me Shirley

    2. I picked the wrong pResidential administration to quit sniffing glue.

  2. And then what happens, Joe? You fly rebound the room backwards? What a load of crap from our alleged “president”

  3. Those people chanting "Do something" and the President responding with "we will" was a staged event. No one gets within shouting distance of the President unless the Secret Service wants them there.

  4. What do most police departments carry now, senile old Uncle Joe? Because there really is no reason for them to be carrying a round as powerful as the 9mm. It is just to dangerous. Tell that idiot to stay in his own lane, if they ever can figure out what lane that is.

  5. Any idiot knows a 9 mm will not blow a lung out of the body. He has obviously has no knowledge of a sucking chest wound, a pneumo-thorax, or a pneumo-hemothorax, or a hemo-Thorax.

  6. WestcoastDeplorableMay 30, 2022 at 12:04 PM

    He's also the p.o.s. who says "rioters killed two policemen on Jan 6"; he's said it more than once which proves it's not dementia, he's just a mother-fucker!

    1. He's a professional bullshit artist. Always has been, even way back when he had a functioning brain cell.

  7. Consistency??
    You got it!
    Consistently fucking stupid.

  8. A nine is more likely to zip right on through and through.

  9. If there is a Democrat out there who actually knows anything about guns, they are hiding him well.

  10. "A 9mm bullet is typically known as the ammo used in handguns - the most common type to conceal carry. It's not clear if Biden misspoke to mean a higher-caliber weapon such as the ones used in the recent mass shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde."

    I guess 5.56mm is "higher-caliber" than 9mm because there are more numbers.

  11. Thank goodness he's not a doctor. Like his babysitter.

    1. I figured out what type "Doctor" she is: a Proctologist! She's been looking at an asshole for decades.

  12. The Demwit Party will not allow a little thing like ignorance of guns stop them from trying to ban or restrict them. It's what they do best.

  13. Yes you could buy a cannon back then and still can. Tanks and artillery too if you have the money and jump through the hoops. During the revolution our navy was largely made of privateers who owned their own warships. Ignorance.

  14. Some idiot on abc was saying a 5.56 can blow a body apart. More lies.

    1. And lots of lazy people who won't look up which bullets are capable of what. Even if you don't have a computer, you have a phone. Google is sometimes your friend.

    2. Actually, it can blow the body of a squirrel apart...

    3. Suppose, for political reasons, you wanted occasional mass school shootings so that you could smear your political opponents. You might pass a law legally prohibiting the adults in a school from protecting the children. You could call it the Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990, and you could claim that the children would then be safe. It would then just be a matter of waiting for the occasional nutcase. Be sure that the law is never brought up in any news reporting.

  15. 5.56 is 18.05 times as much as 0.308 so the 5.56 must be nearly 20 times as powerful as the 0.308 so if you have a choice, you MUST get shot with the 0.308, right?

  16. 9mm, 10mm...whatever it takes.

  17. Won't a 9mm just bounce off some perps skull bone ?

  18. If A 9mm blows a lung out what does a 500 S&W magnum do to a body? turn it inside out. I can't stand to hear idiots talk about firearms. I knew more when I was 12 years old (50+ years ago) than these idiots do right now.

  19. Even before the first signs of senility, Slow Joe claimed that the recoil of an AR-15 was too heavy for a woman, but she could handle a shotgun's recoil just fine. Anyone who ever fired both knows the AR-15 has a very light recoil, while any 12 or 16 gauge shotgun has a brutal recoil. I don't know if he was lying (as usual), had never fired an AR-15 (although he had one in that video), or was so ignorant that he thought noise was recoil - and so sexist that he thought women couldn't handle as much noise as men.


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