
Monday, May 30, 2022

Has arming teachers in Navasota ISD kept children safe?

NAVASOTA, Texas - Following the deadly school massacre in Uvalde, Texas leaders are calling for more teachers to get armed and ready for an active shooter scenario. 

At Navasota ISD, a district 70 miles northwest of Houston, armed teachers are already their reality, and it has been for the last 4 years.


  1. From the article, it seems the quoted parent has anger management problems and poor impulse control. And he projects his character flaws on to all of the teachers in the school district. He should never have access to firearms.

  2. They quote someone as saying that having armed teachers in the classroom makes them "somewhat nervous". I wonder how they feel about having a deranged psychopath with an automatic weapon in the classroom. This incident really puts the truth to the saying "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away." (in this case only an hour or more away)

    I'm not ragging on the police in general, just this response from this specific police force. Police in general cannot be everywhere all of the time. We need to be prepared to react ourselves when necessary, not rely on anyone else "saving" us. Just like even though I have a fire department close to me, I still have a fire extinguisher in my house. If I lived in a free country (I am in Canada) I would also have a firearm in the house even though I have a local police department.

  3. Suppose, for political reasons, you wanted occasional mass school shootings so that you could smear your political opponents. You might pass a law legally prohibiting the adults in a school from protecting the children. You could call it the Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990, and you could claim that the children would then be safe. It would then just be a matter of waiting for the occasional nutcase. Be sure that the law is never brought up in any news reporting.


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