
Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Ivermectin Effective for Early Treatment of COVID-19 Now Easily Accessible in Tennessee Without Prescription

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee (R) has signed a bill that makes ivermectin, an antiviral drug that has been found to be an effective early treatment for COVID-19, available in the state without a prescription.

Twitter Locks The Tennessee Star Account for Reporting Facts
After The Tennessee Star reported a factual story on Friday about Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R-TN) signing a bill into law making Ivermectin available over-the-counter, Twitter has locked The Tennessee Star out of its account.

Twitter Unlocks The Tennessee Star Account
After about 24 hours of being locked out, The Tennessee Star’s Twitter account has been unlocked, and its full functionality restored.


  1. Ivermectin tourism may become a thing.

    1. Maybe for people that are too fucking stupid to buy the shit from Tractor Supply.

    2. TSC took it all off the shelf, and offline at the height of the craziness, up my way. No Vitamin I for you! Got mine from an Amish horse supply place. Tweren't cheap.

    3. Stupid has nothing to do with it. Finding it seems to be the main problem. When it's everywhere, not so much.

    4. It was available at Tractor Supply. Maybe not in stores or online for a brief period, but all you had to do was walk into one of their stores and have them order it for you. I know this because that's how I bought it once. I also posted that information a few times.
      It's also available at damned near every feed store in the country. And here's a news flash for you - the paste form is also sold by Walmart. I saw it there at the height of the scare.
      People (yes, stupid people) think that if they can't order it with a few keystrokes, it can't be had.

    5. It wasn't at my local TSC store during the height of the 'Pandemic' (nyuk, nyuk). Then suddenly, three months ago when the Dems wanted this all to disappear so as not to look like the lying Totalitarians they are, it suddenly reappeared on the shelves in a locked case. $45 for a three-month plus therapeutic supply.

      I'm not a primary care physician or an operating room RN but I play one on Knuckledraggin dot com.

    6. It may not have been on the shelves at your local TSC, but as I posted several times, if you asked they would order it for you.

  2. anyone can buy Ivermectin from Tractor Supply online. I did

  3. WestcoastDeplorableMay 4, 2022 at 12:39 PM

    Now, if some enterprising pharmacy will accept mail orders for Ivermectin we will have solved the biggest hurdle to extinguish Covid; and that is access to what works!

    1. There is a mail order pharmacy out of Vancouver, WA that will fulfill prescriptions. Peninsula Compounding, I believe, is the name. They fulfilled my mother's prescription despite Brown's mandates.

  4. We got our Ivermectin at a TS last year. In Nov I had a cold I couldn't shake. Then my taste and smell dropped off. I started the IVM routine for 5 days and I was right as rain.

    I've not been Jabbed and ill swear by Ivermectin.

  5. Note that you cant just buy it over the counter. The article mentioned that you have to go through the pharmacist. How a pharmacist gets to pretend to be a doctor is beyond me. But they are both ran by big pharma. So I would be curious. I too went to the local feed store to get ivermectin without the hassle.

  6. I am using it to treat my cancer. When I bought it online I had to buy a 200 dollar 1 oz bottle of disinfectant and they were nice enough to throw in a 100 tablet sample of Ivermectin.


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