
Friday, May 20, 2022

Robert Cray in Concert 2008

VIDEO HERE  (47:36 minutes)

00:26 -  Phone Booth
05:26 -  Our Last Time
12:00 -  Right Next Door (Because Of Me)
18:38 -  Bad Influence
22:54 -  Twenty
29:58 -  Time Makes Two
37:18 -  Sittin' On Top Of The World
41:45 -  I'm Walking

Robert Cray - vocals, guitar
Jim Pugh - keyboards
Karl Sevareid - bass
Kevin Hayes - drums


  1. We have seen him 5 times live, and always a great show.

  2. Robert Cray has taken some heat over the years for not being authentic enough with the blues. I always liked him though. At least until said he can't be Eric Clapton's friend any more because of Eric's views on lock downs and masks.

    1. strong persuader is an amazing album. the theme is infidelity and he tells the story in each song from a different angle. from the cheater, and the one being cheated on.

      shame he's a maskhole tyrant. guess you dont have to be smart or polite to sing the blues.

  3. Watched him live at the Cornelius Pass Roadhouse in Oregon in the 80s before he really took off. Loved his stuff.

  4. He was nice enough to sign a cigar box guitar and give us a pick for a fundraiser here in Bowling Green. Played it for a while and had his picture taken with it. Treated us well and put on a good show.


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