
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

See, I just carry spare magazines instead of spare guns

A total of 17 guns were seized after a San Bernardino police officer stopped a U-Haul over the weekend, and a 21-year-old man was arrested, police said Wednesday. 

The incident was reported about 2:30 p.m. May 22, when a San Bernardino police officer pulled over a U-Haul box truck after “observing several traffic violations,” authorities said in a news release.


  1. Berdoo has a 10 gun minimum. So there's that.

  2. I would have loved to see context in the story. Is he an illegal and/or gangbanger who has a record? Is he a normal person, moving, and arrested improperly? Impossible to tell, from the story.

    1. I'm guessing he was a prohibited person to start with. It doesn't take much to be one.

    2. Well, the story states that he had a 'recent' arrest on a weapons violation of some sort, which is probably what made the officer's antenna twitch. And the story says that the driver consented to the search. The fact that the officer asked for consent to search tells me he thought something was shady, but didn't have enough for probable cause to search.

  3. A cartel shipment to support the gangs?

  4. I just glad I didn't get "stopped' by the cops when I was moving.
    they would have had my ass on the 6 o'clock news for at least 2 days.
    lets just say I have bein collecting "things" for the last 40 some odd years now.
    and i also happen to reload a lot of my own ammo too.
    the sad part is, I used to won a lot more but needed to sell a few items to help with medical bills. this old age shit sucks like that.

  5. As a young man (maybe 19 or 20), I would frequently invite friends out to some family land for a weekend of gun shooting, BBQ, and drinking. Lots of drinking. Late one Sunday night, driving home, I get pulled over for speeding. Now, this is in a '63 Ford F-100, straight 6, 3 on the tree, that at the time was over 20 years old and showing it's age. I couldn't get over 60 unless I was going downhill, but somehow this highway trooper says he got going 65 in a 55.

    He walks up to the truck, the bed is full of empty beer cans and liquor bottles. Literally full. The single cab has a plethora of rifles, pistols, spent casings, a dog, and me. Luckily sober but not looking so great (sleeping outside, no shower, drinking, for 3 days straight will do that). He asks a few questions, verifies my sobriety, asks if the guns were loaded (they weren't, we ran outta ammo), and then simply writes me a ticket.

    Walks away shaking his head and muttering about damn kids. Different times. Plus I didn't have any outstanding warrants. That right there is important.

  6. 😂😂😂
    I took my kid to Training and Competition bout 8yrs ago. Had to go thru NY State and many orhers.
    We’d still be sit’in in the hole waiting for them to “Sort Things Out” and ATF/NFA to get back to them.

  7. i travel thru NY won't take a gun there. there is no upside to it and it's not like we're heading to NYNY. Upstate is pretty nice to drive through, wouldn't want to live there.


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