
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Your Feel-Good Story of the Day

SUGAR LAND, Texas - A catalytic converter theft suspect died after he was shot by an officer in Sugar Land, the police department says.


  1. Dirty Dingus McGeeMay 11, 2022 at 8:22 AM

    Soon to be followed by Quantavius's fambly filing a lawsuit claiming "he dindu nuffin", was turning his life around befoe dat racis cop kilt him.

  2. good. the little shits deserve it. thousands of dollars of damage for what, $20 at the recycling center so they can go get a fix of meth? Which reminds me -- the recycling shop is just as culpable and the operators should be rotting in prison alongside the methhead couriers that bring in the stolen loot.

    1. More than 20 bucks.

      What is the scrap price for catalytic converters?
      Metal/Material Current Price
      High Grade Domestic Cat Off domestic cars. GET QUOTE VIEW METAL DETAILS $154-$449/each
      Small GM Cat Small sized cat from GM make vehicle. GET QUOTE VIEW METAL DETAILS $89-$126/each
      Small Breadloaf Cat Small size breadloaf catalytic. GET QUOTE VIEW METAL DETAILS $139-$289/each

  3. Expect the police officer to be arrested and put in prison for not helping a democrat favorite thug steal more converters.

  4. Is this what they mean by "Environmental Justice?" I mean, think of all the air pollution of cars running around without their catalytic converters.


  5. I want to see the body cam footage of the amish kid.

    1. WestcoastDeplorableMay 11, 2022 at 8:36 PM

      We have such an Amish problem here in SoCal, I have to be very careful where I leave 'ol Suzy my Prius. For some reason, Prius cats are very tasty to these low-life fucks. And wait til I tell you how I really feel!

  6. The headline is deceptive he was not killed because of the theft he was killed because he had a ran from the police and was armed with a gun.

    1. Ran from the cops. Looks like the catalytic crook died exhausted.

    2. okay, that was pretty darned funny.

  7. I'm sure his friends are broken up about it. Poor Kayree!


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