
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Hagerty: DHS Disinformation Board Likely Illegal

U.S. Sen. Bill Hagerty says the creation of a board within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) tasked with combating “disinformation” is likely illegal. 

Creating the board and hiring its new director without Congressional authorization violates several federal laws, Hagerty, R-Tenn., argues. Knowingly and willfully violating one of them carries a $5,000 fine and up to two years in prison, he adds.


  1. But will the uniparty do anything about it. We know dojfbi won't

  2. Not even mentioning that such a thing (a gov't entity tasked with controlling/suppressing/'correcting' free speech) is 'facially' unconstitutional.

  3. Since when has that stopped any of these people?

  4. The criminal commie left has proven repeatedly that the laws simply do not apply to them.

  5. blah, blah, blah. We all KNOW its illegal but that doesn't mean anything anymore (if you're a liberal)

  6. Like some one will be charged.....

  7. Will any legislative action take place? I would doubt it.

  8. Republicans "Talk the Talk". It's Democrats who "Walk the Walk".

  9. The first Amendment expressly prohibits the enactment of such an agency. There is NO provision anywhere in the Constitution even remotely providing for congress to legislate by law such an agency into existence. Without being expressly allowed under the Constitution, congress cannot legislate or otherwise "create" any gommermint agency. Which is why most present gommermint agencies are illegal to begin with FBI,CIA,NSA, DHS, EPA, etc. etc.etc.

  10. lol "legal." Like that ever stops them.

  11. I am sure someone in the GOP will scrape up a weakly worded letter saying it is wrong. The Jan 6th lynch committee is halfway filled per its rules and still operates. Someone from every country in the world is crossing the southern border and no politician cares.

  12. "Likely illegal."...LIKELY? It is fucking illegal as in strictly forbidden by the US Constitution! But as many others have said, the left and uniparty could care less and any true conservative won't do squat about it.

  13. Annnnnnnd nothing

  14. The Left will manage this agency with the same finesse they do with all of their fruitopian abortions, so let them have at it. Do not interrupt the enemies self-destruct cycle.


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