
Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Canada Shows Us How Close America is to Total Gun Confiscation

 Is Canada setting an example for the U.S. to accomplish total gun confiscation? Is Trudeau’s latest handgun “freeze” a model that can be republicated? Why are all anti-gun legislation, proposals, and administrative actions lining up perfectly for gun confiscation? The Armed Attorneys Richard Hayes and Edwin Walker break down the latest steps the government is taking toward gun confiscation. 

VIDEO HERE  (9:22 minutes)


  1. Time to invade the People's Demokratik Arktik Republik of Kanukisan and enforce freedom....

  2. Republicated? I never heered of that.

  3. I'm Canadian and my guns are unlikely to be seized. Very unlikely.

  4. I would think that an active effort at confiscation would be the final straw, but given how much BS the feds have pulled, and gotten away with, over my lifetime (especially the last two years), I'm not confident:-(

  5. This seems to me to be much faster. Turn in guns and owners and gr8 baby formula. Turn in guns and owners and get gasoline. Turn in guns and owners to get electricity. Turn in guns and owners to get food. The shortages now are for this and the ones that don't will be labeled crazy and red flag laws will be used. After they win and have control of us what do they want from us?

  6. Everyone dies! Never been a case where they didn't, eventually. Question is: when? One of the primary objectives in life is to not die. Now, how many of them want to reach a shortened lifespan in the process. This has been tried by all gommermints throughout history, some succeeding more than others. This avenue has never ended well for those traveling down it. It will eventually end up like the Romanian Solution of Dec. 25th 1989.

  7. Snitches get stitches might have to become common policy outside of prison by necessity.


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