
Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Does he really believe the pure unadulterated bullshit that spews from his mouth?

President Joe Biden said Monday that he's presiding over the economy's 'most robust recovery' in modern history - as gas prices reach more than double what they were when he took office for the second day in a row.

'At the time I took office about 16 months ago, the economy had stalled and COVID was out of control,' the president wrote on Twitter.

'Today, thanks to the economic plan and the vaccination plan that my Administration put into action, America has achieved the most robust recovery in modern history.'


  1. The short answer? Yes.....

    1. See, Joe, the thing about "plausible deniability" is that at an absolute minimum, it has to be plausible. This bullshit isn't.

  2. There' no telling what Brandon actually believes, he's never been truthful or right about anything. My guess is that his mental state has deteriorated so far that he can only relay what's on his teleprompter.

  3. "Illusory truth effect" is the tendency to believe false information to be correct after repeated exposure. (Joseph Goebbels: “Big Lie”) This is why they label the truth as misinformation, It gets in the way of their lies.

  4. Yes, he really is demented. The selected one has had 2 brain aneurysm, his potato brain not working right. Like WTF now with 'Defense Production Act to potentially expedite the production of solar panels", and becoming fossil fuel free BS, the border crisis, etc, he's totally out of touch and out of his mind. We won't survive 2 more years.

    1. Oh, shine it on!

      Anyway, we know he didn't write it. Too many big words.

  5. I guess plunging down the black hole never to return could be construed as "robust'

    1. WestcoastDeplorableJune 7, 2022 at 5:31 PM

      Joe Biden is an example of what happens when a Human sells their soul to the Devil. He can lie his ass off the the boss will just love it. The bigger lies the better; how do you think he got this job? And what's happening right now is he's a poser...a placeholder but not a player. Why do you think Obama never left town?

  6. Somewhere over the last 40 years government stopped being for the people and became on two the people. If you are a bigwig donor and or corporate monster then this is your economy. Look at any other companies that are making money not just their stock and that’s the companies that donated to Biden and the Democrat cause, it’s up to each of us little people to find our own way.

  7. FJB has never had a more robust mind.

  8. Riiiight and I filled my wife's car with Regular @ $4.59 a gallon....

  9. I am not so much concerned about whether he believes it, as I am concerned about the ignorant portion of the population that believe him. You either have to be an extremely low IQ person, or a true believer in the left's agenda (but I repeat myself) to believe him.

    1. The huge majority of the left watches only MSM news, so they're only seeing what the government wants them to see.

  10. Have Mercy Miss Percy.; He doesn't know anything consistently. If the cameras aren't rolling and the teleprompters off, he tries to shake hands with imaginary friends, swims naked and is a groping hair sniffer of young uns. OTOH there is also a negative side here.

  11. He's a legend in his own mind...such as it is

  12. The guy has not made a decision or tweet in years. If the mass media (pravda) would only try to figure it out. I know the gop dont care.

  13. Jesus fuckin' Christ...I'm about to fall down face first and shoot rabid bats out of my ass...

  14. Just put it back like you found it. Fuel problems solved.


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