
Monday, June 13, 2022

Judicial Watch Reveals DOJ Memo Declining Prosecution of Babbitt’s Shooter

Judicial Watch uncovered more shocking evidence about the shooting death of Ashli Babbitt even as the Pelosi rump 1/6 operation makes a mockery of the system of government with its kangaroo court “hearings.” 

We uncovered 102 pages of records from the Department of Justice related to the shooting of January 6 protestor Ashli Babbitt that include a memo recommending “that the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia declined for criminal prosecution the fatal shooting of Ashli McEntee [Babbitt],” also noting that the shooter, U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd, “did not create a police report or documents” related to the shooting of Babbitt.


That piece of shit didn't think her death was worth filing a fucking police report over???


  1. Department of Just-Us.
    It's a big club....

  2. That fucking piece of shit can't show his cowardly face in public, eithet

    1. Sure he can... and nobody is going to do a damn thing about it but whine.

  3. Then Demonrats wonder why the USA is a growing powder keg next to a smoldering fuse.


  4. The murder contract he signed forbade and statements about the killing!

  5. He's a Melanite, nobody gonna touch him

  6. Only a matter of time. This generation is going to learn a history lesson. FJB

  7. I would like to know who sent that memo to the DA.

  8. The U.S. Capitol Police are at the end of things is a Praetorian Guard, serving at the pleasure, and acting on the direction of Pelosi. They are not answerable to anyone else. Get it through your heads, serfs. Right?

  9. "...we're making a list, and checking it twice; you're gonna find out..." etc.


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