
Monday, June 13, 2022

A Disturbing Poll in the Aftermath of the Attempted Assassination of Brett Kavanaugh

The attempted assassination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh should have universally shocked Americans. It seems that, out of basic human decency, people should have a real problem with resorting to violence and killing over differences in opinion on public policy, regardless of what side of the aisle they’re on.


  1. Just shows you how liberals think. Nothing except their desires is sacred. Like ants on an anthill, the individual does not count. Same thing in china.
    Democrats are evil people. Long time friends of Satan. True killers of babies. Poison to American values and way of life.

  2. It definitely show what side the media is on. Useful idiots indeed.

  3. Not surprising in the least. The Left has no guardrails and there is no bottom to which they will sink to enact their agenda. We are beyond the civil niceties of the past, when once people of good will but different parties could agree to disagree. Now it's become a blood sport, and the Left has already gotten to the point where mere lives mean nothing to them, it's all about power and their agenda.

    Americans better wake up fast to this new reality, because we are all going to be tested soon.

  4. The poll was sponsored by the Southern Poverty Law Pimps. I would not trust them to pump my septic tank.

    1. That was my exact thought. They probably polled the folks in their break room.

  5. Folks, this is why we won't be voting our way out of this.
    Grok that....

  6. They are down with killing babies; what makes anyone doubt they have no problem killing a member of SCOTUS?

    1. Well, babies by definition are innocent. SCOTUS by definition are adults and therefore are not.

    2. What kind of jibber jabber was that? Do you receive more pleasure an innocent unborn child is murdered or for an adult with life experiences?

  7. That is one of the most disturbing reads I've had in a while. Incredibly sad.

  8. Why stop at that asshat? Go get all of them you evil demo-rat-turds. Then go to the capital building when in session and continue on with the work. While your at it burn it all down too. Defund the orks too, defund the fbi, cia, dhs, da, di, dia, de, doj, the list goes on and on. From the ashes, representatives receive no pay, congress meets once a year for only a few weeks, all new bills mush be on one page, 12 font, double spaced, normal margins. One fucking page! One!
    Saber 7

  9. In this poll, young Republican women support political assassinations almost as much as young Democrat men.

  10. I don't take polls too seriously, nor our method of governance.
    Ohio Guy

  11. Leftists do not understand the concept of the two-way range when they approve the assassination of political opponents.

    Everybody is really going to hate it when we all start playing by the same rules.

  12. Doesn't this mean they want to kill their own? The leftist is the one endangering our culture and values.

  13. So, young Dumbascraps are okay with assassinating Joe Biden, Nazi Pelosi, upChuck Schumer, and most elected Dumbascrap officials? They are ruining our country, which is what the poll asked. I've said it before: Satan is in charge of this country and, indeed, the whole world. How else do you explain North Korea, Communist China, Putin, "wokeism", etc.?


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