
Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Man suing Columbia County Sheriff’s Office for damages and injuries from K-9 during traffic stop

COLUMBIA COUNTY, Fla. — A man is seeking damages from the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office after he was attacked by a police K-9 during a traffic stop in October of 2020. 

Police have charged the man, Martinezz Bowman, with fleeing law enforcement and resisting arrest, but Bowman argues he wasn’t fleeing at all.


It seemed a little excessive to me, especially after reading just last week a sheriff advising people to continue to a well lit area while signaling your intentions if you don't feel safe or can't pull over safely.


  1. I may have said this before, but I blame a lot of this excessive force squarely on equal opportunity.
    When I was a kid, the Ohio Highway Patrol was manned by people 6 foot 2 or larger. Drunk or drugged, most would think twice before trying one of these guys. And they could generally handle themselves in a scrap without having the shoot some dumbass for being a dumbass.
    Along comes equal opportunity, and you get fat dumpy women and little guys with big ego’s. Thugs start thinking “I can take this guy, gal, thing.” Next thing you know, people start getting shot or chewed up, because we’ve hired people not suited to the job.
    And what the fuck is up with this “Everyone goes home at the end of their shift.” shit? Guess what? You take a job that involves guns, badges and/or uniforms and everyone doesn’t get to go home at the end of the day. If you can’t accept that fact, you’re in the wrong line of work. Just the rantings of a bitter old man. Eod1sg Ret

  2. Orks want it both ways. While in teams they give conflicting orders to confuse the f out of the individual. Then they can beat you down for not following their orders. ORDERS get that? ORDERS. Policing has been gone for a long time, now its enforcement by orks.
    Saber 7

  3. US LEO are little different than a militarized criminal gang, and the peasant class are their enemy combatants.


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