
Thursday, June 16, 2022

Man, they dug deep for this one

Mount Doane, a mountain within Yellowstone National Park, has a new name as part of the Department of Interior’s process to remove derogatory terms from the names of federal lands. 

In a November order, Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland, in addition to declaring “squaw” a derogatory term, kickstarted the process to review and replace derogatory names of the nation’s geographic features.


Pretty soon they'll just label mountains by their elevations, military style. Mount Rainer in Washington will be known as  Hill 14410 from then on.


  1. Sorry Kenny, can't name it Hill14410 cause in the next XX years the sea levels will rise by a hundred feet making it Hill 14310.
    The good news about oceans rising is that shithole NYC will get a good cleaning.

  2. I wonder what the name grand Teton?


    1. That made me think of the time Kissinger was in Egypt, and staring at the hot wife of the leader of the leader at the time, directly at her tits, told him that he especially enjoyed seeing the great pyramids. I was young at the time, and it made me glad that I was not the only one.
      As for changing names of the various historical buildings, monuments, and natural features of our nation, to somehow make the country different, fuck that. As Santayna said, those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Just because you don't like the fact that a good military leader also had feet of clay, meaning he did some horrific things in his life, doesn't take away from the good that he did. George Washington was a damn good man, and responsible for leading our ragtag band of men to victory over the British. No doubt he also did some bad things, perhaps even dealing with people harshly or unfairly. That doesn't make him any less of a hero, it makes him human.
      Fuck the liberals, and I mean hard and dry.


    2. Yes Fuck the Liberals. Although Liberal isn't the correct term for those bastards nowadays.

      And F George Washington too. Blasphemy you may say. Do a search on the Whisky Rebellion. Also known as Shay's Rebellion. It didn't take 20 years from the beginning of our country for things to go south.

      And while I'm on a rant go read the Anti-Federalist Papers. Almost everybody knows about the Federalist Papers. At least those that have studied at least a bit of History. But hardly anybody has heard of the Anti-Federalists. Thomas Jefferson was one of the Anti-Federlists. And read up on how they pushed the 'Constitution' on this country. Behind closed door. In secret. We had the Articles of Confederation before that. The Articles were much better.

    3. I've read that Grand Teton is crude archaic French for "Big Tits".

  3. Interesting that no sooner did they rename the mountain, then they got a 1000-year flood.

  4. Using numbers would be racist. Ya gotta be able to count.

  5. I would love for the ability to rename monuments, geographic places, etc., take an act of Congress with a super majority to rename, a simple majority to establish the first name for new monuments. Can a Republican cabinet appointee rename it next term? It could get ridiculous.

  6. Yakima Firing Center ( the high desert playground for the 9th Infantry Division) had a prominent hill called Squaw Tit.

    Some enterprising troops painted a truckload of rocks pink and placed them atop the hill.

    Gotta love grunts....

  7. at least they didn't bulldozer it to the ground.

  8. Another radical, unqualified, know-nothing Biden Cabinet appointment heard from. Two years in Congress and now she's an expert in all things land management because she has a trace of indigenous blood to go along with her law degree and Norwegian roots.

    We're frickin' doomed.

  9. King County, WA wasn't named for MLK, Jr. It is now.
    Racism was called.
    Slippery slope.

  10. From her bio: "Secretary Haaland and her child, who also graduated from the University of New Mexico, are still paying off student loans."

  11. Good grief, the new name is First People’s Mountain.

    Pure-d-o-shit. Enough with all this bs and whiny mfrs. Fun-suckers.

    Jay in OK

    1. And the Indians were not the first people. Their cultural stories are filled with tales of the ones who came before and how they conquered them.

  12. Wait till they tear down the statue of rocky balboa for beating up 3 black men and a foreigner.

  13. I will go along with renaming provided only that the word 'squaw' is replace by the term 'moronic politician' .

  14. Just ignore the bullshit. You're not supposed to use the word "chief" anymore, so I go out of my way. Besides - it comes from the Franco "chef". Fuquem and poke em in the eye...

  15. Doesn't the Sec of Interior have anything better to do? Like say dealing with a huge drought out West, Oil Drilling, Our National Parks desperately needing some serious attention etc. Oh right, silly me! As it is vastly easier to do brown sauce like this then actually do something useful. Plus you get your name into the Public mind for your next move up the greasy pole of Politics.


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