
Friday, June 24, 2022

Roe V Wade overturned

The Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision on Friday overturned Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that established the constitutional right to abortion in the U.S. in 1973. 

The court’s controversial but expected ruling gives individual states the power to set their own abortion laws without concern of running afoul of Roe, which for nearly half a century had permitted abortions during the first two trimesters of pregnancy.


You know the Lefties are going to flip the fuck out over this, matter of fact I wouldn't be surprised if there's rioting in the streets and cities burning by tonight.
My advice to you is be armed everywhere you go, stay on your toes and keep away from situations and locations you can't pull yourself out of immediately.


  1. The spastic intensity and violence of the leftists will increase in direct proportion to their desperation.

    Shoot to kill!

  2. Between the ny overturn and this I am fully expecting it to get wild in the usual places, by the usual people. AND THEN we will have the truly insane baby killers come out of the woodwork on top of our normal leftie disgruntlement.

    I also think a good number of cities will burn tonight

  3. How have we gotten where the most precious gift is slaughtered without a care. And thank goodness I don’t live in a major city, I bet this ruling will bring out the crazies. And they’ll still be able to kill their spawn anyway, the States will see to that..

    1. I'm with ya as far as being glad I don't live in a big city. Nothing here will change because of this ruling.

  4. If you have any fireworks (firecrackers mainly) saved up for the 4th of July, might not hurt to set some of those off here and there to keep the little whores on their toes. Keep them guessing which is the M80 bang and which is the .30 cal bang.

  5. The left is going to go batshit crazy, over what they perceive as a right. Because the court has said that abortion is unconstitutional. The thing is, the baby murderers have had 50 years to pass an amendment to the U.S. Constitution saying that it is perfectly fine to kill those babies. But they knew that the American people are against abortion, for the most part. They just wanted to continue to make law the same old way they always have, by passing by the legislative process and using the courts to do it.
    I guess that it failed them this time, and also in regards to the 2nd amendment, as well. Of course, that ruling will take decades to come to fruition, with the cities and states fighting it tooth and nail.

    1. "Because the court has said that abortion is unconstitutional."

      Not quite. Here is what the court actually said:

      "Held: The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey
      are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the
      people and their elected representatives."

      Thr Court's reasoning can be summarized in this sentence from the opinion;
      "Given that procuring an abortion is not a fundamental constitutional right, it follows that the States may regulate abortion for legitimate reasons, and when such regulations are challenged under the Constitution, courts cannot “substitute their social and economic beliefs for the judgment of legislative bodies.”

      So, abortion is still "legal" in those states that haven't passed laws that declare it illegal.

      "The left is going to go batshit crazy, over what they perceive as a right."

      That is because most in the left don't actually read, and those who do are functionally illiterate anyway. They just go batshit crazy when their leaders tell them to, without really caring to know why.

    2. WestcoastDeplorableJune 24, 2022 at 5:28 PM

      I've read the Constitution soup to nuts and no where does it mention an abortion. So what's all the bitchin' about? It was NEVER a "right".

    3. A right does not need to be enumerated in order to be a right. The constitution was set up to enumerate what the government could do, not enumerate what the people could do.

    4. And the ruling was 5-4 as Roberts' acted as a politician instead of a Justice. All the left needs to do is get rid of one of the 5.

  6. One of my Roman Catholic friends reports his priest has organized a 24/7 watch of armed parishioners to stand guard over church and vestry for the next few days. Along with firearms they have large fire extinguishers. Geeze, we moved back to the 16th Century awfully fast.

    1. I'm sure it is true. We have been put on watch at our parish a few weeks back. Father asked men to consider stepping up the "ushering".

  7. "You know the Lefties are going to flip the fuck out over this, matter of fact I wouldn't be surprised if there's rioting in the streets and cities burning by tonight."

    Which is why I'm surprised the court issued this right before a nice warm June weekend.

    1. This is from the San Francisco Chronicle:

      "Groups joining Reproductive Justice include Glide Memorial Church, Unitarian Universalist Church of San Francisco, Radical Women, Raging Grannies Action League, Freedom Socialist Party, Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights Bay Area, Socialist Alternative and Workers World Party Bay Area."

      Talk about "the usual suspects...."

  8. stay away from crowds guys

  9. If YOU can tell me to wear a mask, YOU can tell him to wear a condom.

    1. That was the method of birth control for myself and my ex wife for quite some time, until she went on the pill. And yes, while we were married. It works, and the health department handed them out free, no questions asked. So the excuse that a poor black woman can't afford them is BS.
      A lot of women use abortion as birth control, some 95 +, the last time I looked it up. Seems like getting a new car when you only have to get an oil change. Sort of extreme and somewhat selfish. And somewhere in the mix, a man pays.

    2. Very, very true. Best comment of the day.

    3. Put a couple of boxes in each patrol car for police to pass out. They don't seem to be good for much else.

  10. For starters, I think abortion on demand is pure evil. Last I checked, abortion in that last week of pregnancy was still legal in 34 states.

    That said, Roe v. Wade was about medical privacy and we could have used it against ObamaCare. We could have used it against vaccine status inquiries. We could have used it against vaccine mandates. Abortion will continue with barely a bump on the road, but we've lost a tool to use against government over reach.

    1. Roe WAS government overreach.

    2. Of course it was over reach. Repealing it is going to do minimal to reduce abortions. Roe v. Wade could have been an effective tool for conservatives, but once again we were to blind to use it.

      The thinking left will be more happy about this decision than any pro-life conservative. It will fire up their base, do very little to curb abortions, and allow the government to do whatever it wants with regards to your health and medical information.

      True, Roe v. Wade did nothing against ObamaCare, but only because conservatives were too stupid and didn't use it. Repealing Roe v. Wade was at best window dressing when it comes to abortion.

  11. There will be much celebrating and prayers of gratitude for this. Just imagine, 50 years of federal government sanctioned infanticide has been legally stopped. Granted, it may not make much difference to those determined to kill the unborn. After all, the states will still have the final authority to determine if someone can murder an innocent life. But, the precedent has now been established, that individual states can stand alone in making laws that the majority of citizens want. Just think of the opportunity this presents! It is a fantastic win for the future of states rights. I never imagined in my lifetime, that we would see a reversal of a cherished so called right, which the progressives have embraced as foundational to their way of life. Let them froth and gag on their own vile spittle, as they rant about the "unfairness" of this ruling. They are so committed to their ignorant utopian ideas and the will to power, they will never understand that truth and justice can, and ultimately will prevail. Praise to a Holy and Just God for this victory! Hopefully there will be many, many more.

  12. "...rioting in the streets and cities burning by tonight."

    Don't tease me

  13. Yeesh. Rioting for something going back to the states-where it belongs.

  14. stop being stupid, you are the beginning and the example for the free world, start acting like the older brother and stop being the crazy uncle ...PLEASE... With Love Concerned Canadian


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