
Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The Sovietization of American Life

One day historians will look back at the period beginning with the COVID lockdowns of spring 2020 through the midterm elections of 2022 to understand how America for over two years lost its collective mind and turned into something unrecognizable and antithetical to its founding principles.

“Sovietization” is perhaps the best diagnosis of the pathology. It refers to the subordination of policy, expression, popular culture, and even thought to ideological mandates. Ultimately such regimentation destroys a state since dogma wars with and defeats meritocracy, creativity, and freedom. 


  1. "Sovietization" is an excellent term for it. The exact same people who did the most to create the USSR have done the same to the USA.

    VDH is spot on about the corruption of the medical profession, by the way. I have stories. It's not pretty.

    1. When I read "...and defeats meritocracy, creativity, and freedom" in the clip of the article I knew it had to have been written by Victor Davis Hanson. Then I opened the link and Bingo.
      The man is the genius of our time.

  2. We need a biiiiiig hole. then we need to start stackin' bodies. Start off with a million then reassess. TINVOWOOT

  3. Which historians? The ones left to write propaganda? Ha that's funny.


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