
Thursday, June 16, 2022

White House Moves to Strangle U.S. Ammunition Supply

Last night, news broke that the Biden Administration is taking behind-the-scenes steps to further strangle the already constricted market for ammunition in the United States. The move could result in a reduction of the commercial production of 5.56 caliber ammunition by over thirty percent.

The move, if completed, would dramatically reduce availability of ammunition for America’s most popular rifle (and, not coincidentally, the one most targeted by gun prohibitionists).

Supplies would undoubtedly plummet and prices would undoubtedly skyrocket, putting the availability of ammunition for self-defense, training, and competition out of reach to many Americans.
-MartyB, Doc


It's at 45 cents a round at the low end, according to
Let's see how much it'll go up in the next week or two.


  1. As a life member, this hysteria is why I no longer listen to or give money to the NRA. If Winchester (the ONLY company this affects) can no longer sell its Lake City overrun, they will break the ammo down into components. Those components will either be sold to others to reassemble or Winchester will do it themselves on their commercial side and the cartridges will be sold to consumers. Various companies such as Talon Mfg. have done this in the past or are doing it currently.
    I certainly don't like the situation but it ain't the end of the world. F&@k Wayne Lapierre.

    1. You're making two assumptions here. The first one is that Winchester will do that and the second is that all that reorganization isn't going to cost money that will be passed on to consumers.

    2. Agreed to a certain point, One thing the last couple of years should have taught us is that when you have large groups of people doing really stupid things all at once, then the results can be painful for those who aren't prepared, and comical for those who are.
      While I currently have comfortable levels of supplies, I have the resources to speculate on the downstream market. So I have no "Risk" in purchasing ammo at relatively cheap levels today (.45c is about as low as I've seen 556 in many years) and if the market inflates to crazy Toilet Paper levels of panic, then I can step in and help out any who are desperate for ammo, while also making a profit. Worse case scenario is that I have good ammo at a relatively cheap price...Oh Darn

      And yeah the NRA has been corrupted and no longer remembers why they were born.

      MSG Grumpy

    3. Most of my 5.56 was bought when it was in the 28 cent per round range. I've only made one bulk purchase since the prices started coming up.

  2. ... and due to all the hype and Chicken Little hand wringing, guess what's going to happen to the price and availability of 5.56? Talk about a self inflicted wound.

    1. What's self inflicted about not being able to buy something because the supply is no longer there?

    2. Everybody will knee jerk, run out and buy up all the 5.56. This will both run the price back up and destroy availability for no reason whatsoever. Hide and watch. Sorry I have to spell out what self inflicted means but you do love to play dumb just to be argumentative wirecutter :-)

    3. People buy 5.56 all the freaking time. I'm not. Groceries are my priority right now.

    4. Ken, you can't save people from themselves. The government, if they are going to attempt to harm you, won't do so by direct means, via violence. That won't really work in a nation that is armed like America. What will work is just what you have been trying to tell people, who won't listen. Control the supply of essential items, which is not extra ammo, but daily food stuffs.
      I don't have an armory full of ammo, but I have enough for normal usage. But what I do have is enough food to get by, at least for a reasonable time frame. Living in a mobile home, in a trailer park as I do, it is not feasible for me to have a years worth of food stockpiled for my family of 3 adults. But I have a certain amount, which I won't discuss, that I continuously replace as it becomes used. And the things that I do store are items that I know my family will eat. It sounds great to store beans and rice. But my wife and 25 year old daughter won't eat that, as a strict diet, so while I do have some of those on hand, that is not what I have built my pantry around.
      Of course I know that in an emergency, all bets are off, and you eat what is put in front of you, and shut up. But common sense still prevails, and why not spend your dollar on things that you know have the same calories but will be eaten without complaint?
      This of course, is part of an overall plan, which includes at least some self defense method, for many people, if not most, that means a firearm with sufficient ammo. But an arsenal without planning on feeding your family first is, at least in my opinion, being macho, at the cost of placing your family in danger.
      If someone thinks that they need 35,000 rounds of ammo in case of a civil war, that is their choice, and what makes this nation great, the fact that they have that choice to make the decision for themselves. For myself, the choice is different, and that is fine as well. We are still brothers, and sit at the same table, and salute the same flag. We can't allow ourselves to forget that, which is what the left wants us to do. As I believe Ben Franklin said, to paraphrase, if we don't hang together, we shall surely hang separately.

    5. Yep, bought when @.35 round buy the case, same with 9's, 45's, 12 and 10 gauge, magazines years ago. etc. "obama was the writing on the wall to stock up. Glad i did, no need to go searching. Did a quick look, everything has doubled in price. Now it's stocking up on TP, water, powered milk etc.

    6. Pigpen, that is an excellent post. Outstanding!

  3. Yeah, lake city is running a bit higher.

  4. But hey, as long as the taliban and Ukrainians have ammo, right/

  5. I just picked up another 2,000 rounds of green tip at 53 cents a round, shipping included.

    1. See wirecutter - this is exactly what I mean. Panic! Buy another 2,000 you didn't actually need today! (I'll bet old divemedic has 10,000 rounds already) You too can be a part of the problem!

    2. from where? please advise!

    3. "I'll bet old divemedic has 10,000 rounds already"



  6. If you are not into reloading, do it now, before it's too late.
    Yes, it's hard to get primers and powder, but if you go to the reloading page of discord, you can get them.

  7. Like my comment about the “SIG vonder veapon”....

    I’ve gotten into (hooked on) the MPBR from here.....

    I’ve set up a small basement “range” that......

    I laser my initial MPBR sightings in.....

    then go to outdoor range and confirm/refine.


  8. They are NEVER going to stop.... until they're stopped.

    Things seem to be ratcheting ever tighter from guns to ammo to food to fuel; you get the picture.

    Might want to get what you can now.. the supply won't last through the summer, which is what i believe their desire is.....

  9. Anyone who hasn't stocked up on ammo after the insanity of the past few years is so far behind the curve as to be almost hopeless. Your ammo supply should already be very very deep. It's your food supplies that need to be increasing now. And this ban on sales of Lake City ammo to us peons is quite obviously just another act from the very long list of criminal infringements the criminals in power are engaging in as part of their recent huge increase in efforts to disarm us.

  10. not the only manufacturer of 5.56/.223. Seems some other manufacturers may appreciate the price going up, and then being profit minded, decide to fill some of that void. Who knows? Anyway, although there's no such thing as too much ammo, most prescient folks around these parts (long time knuckledraggin readers...) have a few rounds here and there, acquired over the decades... no spare or extra don't ask.
    Original Grandpa

  11. Thanks for the reminder Wirecutter!
    I had read this yesterday and after I had gotten the BP back to manageable levels, told myself to get more food for the children...and promptly forgot about it, sucks gettin' old.
    BUT thanks to your helpful reminder this mornin', it is not only done,
    BUT I came up with a wonderful idea, the wife has been asking what I want for Dad's day and now I have taken care of that as well as picked up Dad's day for Brother and friends (those cool 300rd range cans are perfect gifts for the Dad's who have everything except enough ammo). Thanks again WC!

  12. And since a lot of people have said that food stuffs, especially the long shelf life items are a more pressing need than ammo (which is a sentiment I agree with for anyone and everyone who already filled their basic ammo needs),
    Mr. WC, do you have any preferred pantry supply companies that you wish to share?
    I have looked into Big Countries' recommendations and just wonder what other good quality/decent price options are out there...

    MSG Grumpy

    1. I don't, sorry. I do the huge majority of my prepping by buying extra when I shop, even if it's just a couple items. It adds up over time. We also buy a bunch of canned goods in bulk from a discount canned foods store at least once a year and use them in a regular rotation. They're just as tasty as brand name if you use a little seasoning.
      I will say that I trust BC's judgement enough to say that if he recommends something, it's worth checking out. He's not making anything off of it, he's putting it out there to help us.

      I can't say that I really prep, but I've been poor enough times in my life that I really don't feel comfortable unless I've got at least 6 months to a year's supplies in the house. I've been that way for many years, long before the term prepping came into common usage.

    2. You've been preaching that for as long as I've known you, Ken. It's a great thing to do. Just buy a couple of extra cans of soup, or chili, or even some extra basic stuff like salt, pepper, and spices. We've been doing that for quite some time now, and it makes an excellent addition to the usual "beans and rice".

    3. That's the way to do it if the situation isn't urgent. A dollar or three extra at the register doesn't hurt nearly as badly as spending several hundred bucks at one time.

  13. As of the 17th there has been NO official policy change with regard to the sale of M855/SS109.
    check the link
    The administration is trying to cut production by the same 30%
    We'll have to wait and see


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