-Terry T
What a bullshit law! You don't teach your children to respect firearms by hiding everything about them from your kids. By hiding them, all you're doing is stoking their curiosity, and without proper training all that does is create an accident or incident waiting to happen.
I was 7 years old when I took my first NRA sponsored safety/shooting course. Dad had just returned from his first tour in Vietnam and needed some alone time to get "reacquainted" with Mom, so he went down and signed up all 3 of us kids in some sort of class on Wednesday evenings. I went to a shooting class, my sister went to a dance class and my little brother who was only 2, probably went to crayon-eating class - either that or they spiked his bottle and put him to bed.
That was my first safety class. I bet I've gone to a half dozen others before I was 18 because any time a dependent wanted to use the shooting facilities or hunt on a military installation, you had to take that post's Provost Marshall's safety class. It must've worked because I never heard of a minor having a shooting accident of any kind on post.
It was one of the best things my father ever did for me.